- value per acre 每英亩收获量价值
- Seed that yields up to300 bushels per acre. 每英亩能产三百蒲式耳的种子
- Such beds should reduce travelling distance per acre. 这种带状栽植能减少单位面积的周转距离。
- With fairly good tonnage per acre and lacking the inflationary consumer demand of Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc is often a very good value. 有着非常好的单产,以及霞多利的消费者的减少,白苏维翁非常具有价值。
- Book value per share of common stock. 普通股每股帐面价值:等于普通股的股东权益除以外部股份。
- Spirulina Produces More Nutrition Per Acre Than Any Other Food. 蓝藻比任何食物生产更多的营养成份。
- Planted cane may yield up to seventy tons per acre in good soil. 要是土质好,种的甘蔗每英亩可产到70吨。
- A tax or commission based on value per pound sterling. 按每磅征收的税额或佣金
- It is characterized by a relatively high production per tree and per acre. 它的主要标志是单株产量和单位面积产量较高。
- The optimum density is difficult to specify in terms of trees per acre. 很难定论究竟每英亩多少株树为最适密度。
- Second, the distribution of food and the yield of food per acre can be improved. 第二,粮食作物分布状况可以改善,每英亩土地的粮食产量可以提高。
- Enter budget values per time period. 输入每个时间段的预算值。
- Twenty tons per acre isn' t unusual. The sugar content is usually about sixteen to twenty percent. 每英亩20吨是很常见的。含糖量通常在16%25至20%25之间。
- Yields can be as high as 20 tons per acre (T/A), although yields of 7 to 8 T/A are typical of mature plantings. 一般的蓝莓园,每英亩的年产量在七到八吨左右。
- For example, it is not unusual to find northeastern forest growing at densities of 400 trees per acre. 例如,在东北地区的森林里,每一英亩(0.;4公顷)400株树木的生长密度并不少见,这相当于双向均为10英呎(3
- Book value per share is equal to the net assets represented by one share of stock. 每股账面价值等于每股股票代表的净资产。
- Fuel load is measured by the amount of available fuel per unit area, usually tons per acre. 可燃物负荷是测量每块地区可得燃料的数量,通常是每英亩的吨数。
- The results of a standard GROUP BY with vector aggregate functions produce one row with one value per group. 具有矢量集合函数的标准GROUP BY的结果将生成一行,行中的每一个组都具有一个值。
- A farmer told me once that it was a big problem to explain how some small farms were getting higher yields per acre than the big farms. 有一次一位农民告诉我,要解释一些小农场亩产比大农场要高真是个大问题。
- The height map correlates to the surface's regular texture map and stores one height value per texel. 高度贴图和常规的材质贴图相关,并且存储了一个高度值在每个贴图像素中。