- According to statistics of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation,China signed 8,754 technology import and export contracts in 1998,with a total value of US$ 23.062 billion. 据外经贸部业务统计,1998年我国共签订技术进出口合同8754项,合同总金额为230.;62亿美元。
- index number of the value of foreign trade 对外贸易额指数
- Source: Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT), Taiwan. 資料來源:我國經濟部國貿局。
- Source: Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT), ROC. 资料来源:我国经济部国际贸易局。
- The current account is the broadest measure of foreign trade. 经常帐户(?)是外贸的最广泛的量度。
- Mr.Huang received his LLM from Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade. 在上海对外贸易学院获得法学硕士学位。
- import and export values of foreign trade 外贸进出口
- Joint venture of foreign trade company: Spring is coming? 合资外贸公司:春天来临?
- value of foreign trade 对外贸易额
- That the expansion of foreign trade must not be neglected goes without saying. 扩大对外贸易不可忽略,这是肯定无疑的。
- He was soon promoted to the post of superintendent of Foreign Trade. 他很快就被擢升为对外贸易总监。
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- Applicants for export licenses should contact the Ministry of Foreign Trade. 出口许可证申请人应与外贸部联系。
- Its GDP, its foreign trade and the value of loans to its private sector have all nearly doubled in the past four years, as reforms have tapped suppressed entrepreneurial vigour. 随着他的改革释放了压抑已久的企业家激情,叙利亚的GDP,外贸和私人领域贷款总值在过去四年间都几乎翻了近两倍。
- To be frank,the mainland's volume of foreign trade is less than that of Taiwan. 坦率地说,现在我们的对外贸易总额还不如台湾多。
- The value of your assistance is inestimable. 阁下鼎立相助之功不可胜言。
- Excuse me. I'm Liu Li from the Liaison Office of the Ministry of Foreign Trade. 对不起,我是外贸部联络处的刘莉。
- I am doubtful about the value of your proposal. 我怀疑你的提议是否有价值。
- A Brief Commentary on the Article 201 of Foreign Trade Laws of the U. S. 简评美国对外贸易法201条款的使用。
- I feel that I know about the value of my own work. 我觉得我知道自己工作的价值。