- Sale of commercial housing to the legality of acts? 商品房转预售行为是否合法?
- value of commercial house 商品住宅价值
- The approved area as a pre-sale of commercial housing area basis. 经核准的面积作为预售商品房的面积依据。
- High variation in pedestrian flow has direct consequences on the economic value of commercial space connected to the Underground. 行人流量的巨大变化直接影响了与地下系统连接的商业空间的经济价值。
- A subscription book is the documentation subscribed by the parties of commercial house business when they sign trade contract or pre-contract,it validates the matters of house business. 认购书是商品房买卖双方当事人在签署预售契约或买卖契约前所签订的文书,是对双方交易房屋有关事宜的初步确认。
- In Chapter Four the author introduces and analyses the arguments of the hot issue about existence or abrogation of the system of advanced sale of commercial house by all circles nowadays. 第四部分则围绕现在各界关于商品房预售制度的存废之争的热点问题进行了介绍和分析;
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- Anyone who has administered a system of commercial importance knows the value of uptime - or, conversely, knows the headaches you get from users because of downtime. 任何管理过具有商业重要性的系统的人都知道计算机正常运行时间的价值或者反过来讲,知道用户因故障时间会给您带来诸多头痛问题。
- The Economical and Suitable Housing (ESH) is a special type of commercial house built to solve the housing problem for the families with medium or low income. 经济适用住房是政府参与建设的用来解决中低收入家庭住房困难的一类特殊类型的商品房。
- The value of your assistance is inestimable. 阁下鼎立相助之功不可胜言。
- Real estate agent intermediary service agencies can not meet the conditions of sale of commercial housing sales? 房地产中介服务机构可以代理销售不符合销售条件的商品房吗?
- I am doubtful about the value of your proposal. 我怀疑你的提议是否有价值。
- What should be paid attention to when purchasing the advance sales of Commercial housing? 购预售的商品房应该注意什么?
- Poor plumbing deducts from the value of the house. 低劣的水管装置从房子的价格中扣除了。
- The advance sale of commercial housing system in our country only has a little law to work. 我国现行法律制度对商品房预售制度只作了一般性的规定。
- It was learned that China currently has about 66 million square meters of commercial housing overstocked. 据了解,中国目前大约有六千六百万平方米商品房积压。
- They sent someone to assess the value of the house. 他们派人去估算那座房子的价值。
- Therefore, the transferability of commercial housing sold in advance has its deep economics and legal basis. 由此,预售商品房可以转让不仅有其存在的经济学基础,而且具有深刻的法学基础。
- I feel that I know about the value of my own work. 我觉得我知道自己工作的价值。
- Due to historical reasons, the existence of commercial housing area management functions cross-sectoral issues. 由于历史原因,商品房面积的管理工作存在部门职能交叉的问题。