- New accountant criterion promulgation measures value just and sound having led into accounting practice again, outlook on values just and sound becomes a brightened dot in new criterion system. 摘要新会计准则的颁布把公允价值计量重新引入了会计实务,公允价值观成为新准则体系中的一个亮点。
- The argument presented by the author is just and sound. 作者立论公允。
- He was a just and sound rather than a learned judge. 他作为法官与其说学识渊博,不如说是在办案中比较公正和全面。
- value just and sound 公允价值
- They have got home safe and sound. 他们已平安到家。
- All his sons returned safe and sound from the war. 他所有的儿子都从战争中平安无恙地回来了。
- The package arrived safe and sound. 包裹寄到,丝毫无损。
- be seemingly just and sound (or fair and equitable) 貌似公允
- I'm just glad he's safe and sound. 看到他平安,健康,我就放心了。
- The old man was dying. It was just and shot in the dark to operate on him. 那老人生命垂危,给他做手术只是没多大希望地试一试。
- just and sound; fair and equitable; evenhanded 公允
- The goal is to build a just and peaceful world. 目标是建立一个公正和平的世界。
- He telegraphed that he had arrived in London safe and sound. 他电告他已平安抵达伦敦。
- He is just and fair in argument. 吴教授持论公允。
- The rescuers brought the climbers back safe and sound. 救援人员把登山的人都安然无恙地救了回来。
- They were, doubtless, good men, just and sage. 不消说,他们都是为人圣洁、主持正义的好人。
- Just and impartial;not prejudiced. 公正的,公平的;无偏见的
- Her remarks were often just and amusing. 她的谈吐通常是恰到好处,使人愉快的。
- We relieve to see you back safe and sound. 见您平安归来我们感到放心了。
- Fair and square Just and honest. 公正诚实。