- The company offers the most comprehensive products and services in life insurance industry in Indonesia. 宏利印尼提供最全面的人寿保险产品及服务,总部设于雅加达。
- Those insurance companies engaged in life insurance business shall not be dissolved, only divided or merged. 经营有人寿保险业务的保险公司,除分立、合并外,不得解散。
- R.Norberg, 1999, A Theory of Bonus in Life Insurance, Finance and Stochastics , 3: 373-390. 张世杰,陈威光,民国85年12月,“不同利率模型下之债券评价分析”,保险专刊第46辑。
- DBM will exert great effect and evoke a new revolution in life insurance marketing in 21 century in China. 但可以预言,随着以上问题的逐步解决以及我国寿险市场竞争的日趋激烈,数据库营销模式以其影响方式的先进化、营销手段的现代化和营销效率的高校化必将我国向我国现行的寿险营销模式发起冲击,在21世纪的我国寿险营销中发挥重要作用,从而引起新一轮的寿险营销革命。
- In the 1800s, British statisticians interested in a theoretical foundation for calcuating risk of losses in life insurance and commercial insurance. 1800年,英国统计学家对计算生命保险和商业保险亏损危险的理论基础,非常感兴趣。
- In the 1800s, British statisticians interested in a theoretical foundation for calculating risk of losses in life insurance and commercial insurance. 在十九世纪,英国统计学家对计算生命保险和商业保险亏损危险的理论基础,非常感兴趣。
- A tax-free "death gratuity," now $12,420, would grow to $100,000.The government would also pay for $150,000 in life insurance for troops. 抚恤金要从现在的1万多提高到10万,政府也要为每位战士买价值15万的保险。
- Divers persons were present, of all stations in life. 不同身份的、形形色色的人都出席了。
- His two great interests in life are music and painting. 音乐和绘画是他生活中的两大嗜好。
- We are also precautious of unusual tides of policy surrender and will improve the emergency response mechanism with regard to such surrenders in life insurance. 二是防范可能出现的非正常集中退保,完善寿险行业退保应急机制。
- Accordingly, this study attempts to evaluate the surrender option in life insurance policy by considering adverse mortality selection and interest volatility. 因此,本研究图考虑死亡率逆选择与利率波动度的情况,来评价人寿保险单的解约选择权。
- My grandfather gave me a good start in life. 祖父为我提供了一个很好的自立机会。
- Poor health may be a bar to success in life. 健康不佳可能成为人一生中取得成功的障碍。
- He believes in life everlasting after death. 他相信死后永生。
- He has had great success in life. 他在一生中飞黄腾达。
- Chu said the extra $150,000 in life insurance and the higher death gratuity would be retroactive to October 7, 2001, the date the United States launched its invasion of Afghanistan in response to the September 11 terrorist attacks. 以上的15万元的保险和更高的死亡抚恤金将追溯到2001年10月7日,从那时候开始,美国为九一一的恐怖袭击而发动了对阿富汗的入侵。
- He prefers a happy medium in life. 他在生活中甘居中游。
- Chiyoda Mutual Life Insurance Co. 千代田寿险公司(日本)
- Rice is our essential foodstuff in life. 大米是我们生活的基本食物。
- An insurance company engaged in life insurance shall set aside a reserve for future claims equal to the total net value determined actuarially on the total life insurance policies in force. 经营有人寿保险业务的保险公司,应当按照有效的人寿保险单的全部净值提取未到期责任准备金。