- vacuum pipeline network 真空管网
- GD high vacuum flapper valve is used to put through or cut off the airflow in vacuum pipeline. GD型高真空挡板阀用于接通或切断真空管路中的气流。
- Process,equipment and technique index of vacuum pipeline waste col le ction system were introduced,and key technologies of the system were discussed. 对真空管道垃圾收集系统的工艺、设备及技术指标做了介绍,并对其关键技术进行了探讨。
- GDHigh Vacuum Flapper Valve GD high vacuum flapper valve is used to put through or cut off the airflow in vacuum pipeline. GD型-高真空挡板阀 GD型高真空挡板阀用于接通或切断真空管路中的气流。
- The feature and the effect of tangent pump to the pipeline network of fire system are presented. 介绍了切线泵的特点及其对消防给水管网带来的一些变化。
- GDC-5 electro high vacuum flapper valve is mounted in vacuum pipeline to put through or cut off the airflow in vacuum system, or used as a charging vale. 简单介绍: GDC-5型电磁高真空挡板阀是连接在真空管路上,用来接通或截止真空系统中的气流,或作充气阀用。
- Simplified Design of Indoor Pipeline Network for Automatic Water Spray Fire-extingui shing System. 湿式自动喷水灭火系统室内管网的简化设计。
- A practical example shows that the DMS system is effective and necessary for urban natural gas pipeline network. 并通过实际应用实例,说明了城市天然气管网建设DMS输配管理系统的可行性和必要性。
- The plot targeted the pipeline network feeding jet fuel to Kennedy Airport and never got passed the planning stages. 这起阴谋的目标是输送喷气燃料给肯尼迪机场的管道网,但他们的阴谋没有得逞。
- According to the character of pipeline network data, a new spatial dada concept model and organization model are designed. 针对地下管网数据的特点,设计了管网数据概念模型和组织模型;
- Electro High Vacuum Flapper Valve GDC-5 electro high vacuum flapper valve is mounted in vacuum pipeline to put through or cut off the airflow in vacuum system, or used as a charging vale. GDC-5型电磁高真空挡板阀是连接在真空管路上,用来接通或截止真空系统中的气流,或作充气阀用。
- BRW take part in the Pipeline Network Data Collection and Transmission System, supplied the monitoring equipments and wireless data transmission. 我公司主要参与其中管网水质和水量在线监测部分,为项目提供监测设备和监测数据无线传输技术。
- GDC-5Electro High Vacuum Flapper Valve GDC-5 electro high vacuum flapper valve is mounted in vacuum pipeline to put through or cut off the airflow in vacuum system, or used as a charging vale. GDC-5型-电磁高真空挡板阀 GDC-5型电磁高真空挡板阀是连接在真空管路上,用来接通或截止真空系统中的气流,或作充气阀用。
- From the aspect of hydromechanics,solution mining route is established as relevant pipeline network model to further study watering distribution in each watering point. 本文主要从流体力学的角度,把水溶路径建立为相应的管网模型,进一步探求各灌水点灌水量的分配。
- A small town or rural area might rely on truck delivery or onsite production, whereas a large, densely populated city might use a pipeline network to transport hydrogen. 小镇或农村地区可能必须仰赖货车运送或在当地生产,但在人口稠密的大都市,就可能必须以管线网络输送氢才行。
- Among many anti-scaling techniques for oilfield water injection pipeline network,the chemical anti-scaling technique is still in common use at oilfields at present. 注水管网的清防垢技术有多种,化学清防垢技术目前仍然是油田常用技术,但成本高、环境负荷大。
- For the parameter optimization of the pipeline network, the deducing process of the mathematics model is introduced and steps of the solution are paraphrased. 针对模型自身的特点,具体研究了相应的算法和对计算管径进行规格圆整的方法。
- Belarus will pay less than it feared, in exchange for surrendering partial control of its pipeline network, through which gas is pumped to Europe, on terms yet to be finalised. 白俄罗斯将支付低于它所担心的价格,作为交换,白俄罗斯要交出将天然气运往欧洲的管道网络的部分控制权,但具体条款尚未最后敲定。
- This article introduces the medi-cal vacuum system composition and air flow state,and explains design of medical vacuum pipelines and tube diameter measuring method. 介绍了医用真空系统的组成及气体的流动状态,阐述了医用真空管道设计及不同应用部位管径的测算方法。
- The field pipeline network design of a new type permanent sprinkler irrigation system with hexagonal (quadrangular) impact driver sprinkler was discussed in this paper. 对六方(四方)形摇臂式喷头在一种新型固定式管道喷灌系统中的田间管网布置形式进行了分析。