- PLF supplies vacuum filling machines to the baby milk formula industry. 外淋巴瘘供应真空灌装机的婴儿配方奶粉行业。
- It can adopt general vacuum. low vacuum and isotonic vacuum filling without bubble and leakage. 旋盖采用磁力驱动结构,扭矩可根据情况调节,保证了旋盖时不伤盖。
- The vacuum filled with Ether particles, when the force reached a balance Ether particles form “Ideal Vacuum” as the structure of diamond. 真空中充满了以太粒子,当以太粒子达到受力平衡时形成了具有金刚石结构的理想真空。
- SD-HFX-6000 rotary filling and cap-screwing machine adopts low vacuum filling to ensure filling accurately without bubble of leakage. 6000回旋式灌装旋盖机采用抽真空灌装方式,确保灌装无泡沫、无滴漏,灌装量准确。
- QS-LGF-1800 rotary filling and cap-screwing machine adopts low vacuum filling to ensure filling accurately without bubble of leakage. 1800回旋式灌装旋盖机采用抽真空灌装方式,确保灌装无泡沫、无滴漏,灌装量准确。
- It took me quite a while to fill out the questionnaire. 填写那份问卷花了我好长一段时间。
- This machine has a vacuum filling and two turntables, filling turntable there were six-position, providing bags, feeding, filling prestrain seal until wrappage to the vacuum of the turntable. 该机有充填和抽真空两个转台,充填转台有6个工位,完成供袋、投料、充填预封口直至将包装件送至抽真空转台。
- Fill your radiator with water, or your engine will overheat. 给你的散热器充水,否则引擎会过热。
- Don't let defeat fill you with gloom. 别让失败使你灰心丧气。
- The BBC often plays a record to fill in. 英国广播公司经常在节目空档时播放唱片。
- Can you fill in for Steve tonight as he's ill? 史蒂夫病了,今晚你能顶替他吗?
- Can you fill me in on what has been happening? 你能把发生的事情原原本本地告诉我吗?
- Some pumps and all vacuum cleaners work by suction. 有些泵和所有真空吸尘器都是借吸力工作的。
- George's the best person to fill this vacancy. 乔治是填补这一空缺的最佳人选。
- It will send you standard form for you to fill out. 它(商标局)会寄给你标准表格要你填写。
- Fill and cork these bottles please. 把这些瓶子灌满并用瓶塞塞紧。
- The driver asked the garage man to fill up his car. 那司机叫汽车库工人给他的车加油。
- Can you fill in for me at the meeting? 你能代替我出席会议吗?
- His wife's death left him a vacuum in his life. 他妻子的去世使他的生活变得空虚。
- Please fill in the form enclosed herewith. 请填写随函附上之表格。