- Configuration space against the defects of product family model is constructed for targeting diversity of customer needs and conjoint analysis is applied to decompose the customer preference into the utility of different product attributes. 该方法针对现有产品族模型用于配置设计中存在的问题,构造了支持产品配置的设计空间,并运用联合分析方法将顾客期望分解为各产品特性的质量效用。
- That car went out of production five years ago. 那种汽车已经停产五年了。
- Our effort is gear to a higher level of production. 我们调整力量将生产推向更高的水平。
- The increase of production is evidence of that. 生产的增长就是这方面的例证。
- We have to sum up the costs of production. 我们得计算一下生产成本。
- The factory cannot maintain current levels of production. 该工厂不能保持目前的生产水平。
- So the comprehensive utilization of fluorgypsum is a way not only to reslove pollution problems,but also to reduce the cost of production. 这样既解决了环境污染问题,又实现了化工废渣的资源化利用,社会效益和经济效益显著。
- The utility of oil plants is briefly introduced. 指出了部分油脂植物可以栽培并在温带地区推广。
- Our effort is geared to a higher level of production. 我们调整力量将生产推向更高的水平。
- It is a circulative and comprehensive utilization of product in potassium-salt producing in Chaerhan salt lake and will be little in cost,high in benefit. 其特点是循环综合利用察尔汉盐湖钾盐生产中的副产品,无工业三废,原料成本低,经济效益好,具有较高的推广应用价值。
- Our comrades must do their utmost to learn the techniques of production. 我们的同志们必须用极大的努力去学习生产技术。
- Utility of a vice: his drunkenness had been his salvation. 恶癖也有用处,他的酗酒救了他,
- He loved both the style and the utility of the clothing. 他喜欢这些服装的款式和用途。
- Freud believed in the utility of play to a small child. 弗洛伊德认为游戏对小孩有好处。
- According to the mining area circumstances at present, we should still give first place to the management traffic, quicken the development and utilization of new functions at the same time, and reduce the cost of production. 根据矿区通信的目前情况,还应以语音业务为主营方向,同时应加快新业务的开发和利用,以及通过有效的手段降低生产运行的成本。
- We must keep down the cost of production. 我们必须降低成本。
- Robert was for cutting down the cost of production. 罗伯特赞成降低生产成本。
- We should try to diminish the cost of production. 我们应尽力减少生产成本。
- No buyers can buy this sort of product. 任何买主都不能购买这种产品。