It is usually performed when vaginal delivery would endanger the life or health of the mother or the child. 通常当阴道产会给母体或子体带来危险时就采用剖腹产。
The short answer is that it predisposes them to uterine inertia with resultant c-sections, as well as eclampsia. 简单的说,这样容易引起宫缩乏力,从而导致剖腹产,还可能引发子痫症。
The main risk factors of severe PPH after cesarean section were placental factors and uterine factors. 剖宫产重度产后出血的病因主要是胎盘因素和子宫收缩乏力,而胎盘因素占首位。
Gaining too much weight raises the risk for having a baby that is too large, which may lead to a difficult delivery or Caesarean section, she said. 体重增加量过高同样增加了孕妇分娩出巨婴的危险性,从而导致分娩困难或需要接受剖宫产手术。