- Q12.Why do the government insist on the user pay principle when determining fees and charges? 问12:为何政府在厘定各种收费时坚持用者自付的原则?
- User pay schemes are being introduced. In 2005 new legislation was passed to enable the introduction of charges for construction waste disposal. 年内,我们推行了多套污染者自付计划,而随2005年通过新的法规,本港已正式实施建筑废物处置收费计划。
- Recreational Scuba Diving in Caribbean Marine Protected Areas: Do the Users Pay? 加勒比海海洋保护区的娱乐性水下呼吸器潜水活动:使用者支付费用吗?
- Although there's no subscriber fee, users pay depending on how often they contact their matches through e-mail or the Emode instant messenger service. 尽管不收预订金,用户却根据通过发电子邮件或者Emode速递服务他们的对象联系的次数付费。
- West Colm and the family disposable signs five years service agreement, the user pays expenses at least by the monthly rent pattern. 西科姆与家庭一次性签订至少五年的服务协议,用户以月租的模式付费。
- According to SDE archives, the average Senegalese citizen receives 35 litres of water daily, and not all users pay the same price. SDE的数据表明,塞内加尔市民平均每天获得35升生活用水,而水价却不尽相同。
- She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday. 她不得不为付假期的费用而苦苦攒钱。
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。
- Be helpful for the profit pattern of the first video consequently, collect fees from onefold network advertisement mode changes direction of user paying fee to development. 因而有利于第一视频的盈利模式,从单一的网路广告收费模式转向付费用户方向发展。
- The Santa Clara Valley Water District is a water wholesaler. The following rates reflect what water retailers and agricultural users pay for wholesale or well water. 描述:本网站包括了用水零售商和农业用户支付批发用水和井水的比例以及不同类型的农业用水量(括地下水,地表水,存储水等)收费情况,计算公式等等。
- I shall have to prod him to pay me what he owes. 我将不得不催促他把欠我的钱还给我。
- I will pay nothing under compulsion. 在强迫之下我分文也不愿付。
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业需耗费大量的电力。
- Joel wanted to pay William off for backbiting him. 乔尔因威廉在背后说他坏话而要对他进行报复。
- According to China Mobile's service clauses, its GoTone users pay a monthly fee of 50 yuan, while M-Zone users pay only 20 yuan per month and there is no monthly fee for its Easy-own users. 据中国移动的服务章程,全球通用户月租50元,动感地带20元,神州行没有月租。
- Her tearful family came to pay their last respects. 她全家含泪前来向死者告别。
- The Detroit auto workers went out for higher pay. 底特律的汽车工人为争取提高工资而罢工。
- Unwaged members pay a lower entrance fee. 无固定收入的人入场费从优。
- We had to scrimp and save to pay the bills. 我们得省吃俭用来付帐。
- I almost forget to pay the phone bill. 我几乎忘记电话费用。