- user s behaviors analysis 网络行为分析
- Notice that it is polite, illuminating, and helpful. It doesn’t even hint that the user’s behavior is anything but impeccable. 注意它是有礼貌、有启发和有帮助的,它甚至没有暗示用户的行为有任何缺陷。
- Your program’s behavior is part of its brand, and your user’s experience with your product should reflect the proper balance of form, content, and behavior. 软件的行为是品牌的一部分,用户对产品的体验反映的是形式、内容和行为的合理平衡。
- I was moved by Halley’s behaviors. 你所看到听到的可能只是一面。
- In the user’s mind it is a simple command. 这样的愚蠢问题,在用户心中这是一个简单的命令。
- Undo operates on a user’s actions. 先考虑撤销针对的对象,即用户的操作。
- Behavior Analysis To Viewer Of Cartoon Program. 卡通节目受众收视行为分析。
- Behavior analysis is the core of this thesis. 行为分析是论文的核心。
- user' s behavior prediction 用户行为预测
- In easiness, through three iterative analysis on user prototype interface, we can get the proper one for user’s need. 为解决系统易用性,对用户界面原型进行三次迭代,提出符合用户需求的界面原型。
- Third,using RSA encode algorithm to make user’s data more safer. 最后,通过使用RSA加密算法,加强用户数据安全。
- The teacher took a dim view of the class' s behavior. 老师对班级学生的行为不以为然。
- CYME, ”USER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE MANUAL”, Sep., 1999. 电驿说明书,台湾电力公司训练所教材,中华民国70年。
- Multiple Viewpoint OOA (object-oriented analysis) builds up model according to every user's opinion,then merges them into one uniform model. 多视角面向对象分析方法就是首先根据每个用户的观点建立模型,然后将这些模型合并为一个统一的模型。
- Someday, behavior analysis might replace signature comparison in AV solutions. 某一天,行为分析可能在反病毒解决办案中取代特征码比较。
- It allures attacker by some obvious security holes, at the same time, monitors the hacker"s behavior and records all the information for further analysis. 它通过构造一个有着明显安全漏洞的系统来引诱入侵者对其进行攻击,并在攻击的过程中对入侵者的入侵动机、入侵手段、使用工具等信息进行详细地记录。
- From a user’s point of view, there is no reason for disks to exist. 从用户的角度看,磁盘没有存在的理由。
- By analyzing Earl' s behavior, the doctors determined that he was insane. 藉着分析厄尔的行为,医师判定他精神异常。
- A product’s posture is related to how much attention a user will devote to interacting with the product, and how the product’s behaviors respond to the kind of attention a user will be devoting to it. 产品的姿态是指用户将会投入多大的注意力和产品互动,以及产品的行为将会对用户投入的注意力做出如何的反应。
- Interactive behavior analysis is to represent and analyze the inactive behaviors in the human-computer interactive system. 交互行为分析是研究人机交互系统的交互行为的描述和分析方法。