- For better air circulation, open a window or use a fan. 当然啦,开窗或使用电扇对室内空气循环有好处。
- For preferable air circulation, open a window or use a fan. 当然啦,开窗或应用电扇对室内空气循环有好处。
- Use a fan or aseptic syringe to blow air into the cast to relieve itching, if necessary. 必要时可用扇子或清洁的注射器将空气送入管型内以减轻瘙痒。
- Unplug the phone and use a white-noise machine, or a fan or an air conditioner, to block out background noise. 把电话线拔掉,使用一个能产生白噪声的机器,或是打开电风扇、空调,以阻断背景噪音。
- The public is also advised to: For indoor activities, open all windows, use a fan or air-conditioning to maintain good ventilation. 其他预防中暑措施包括:在室内尽量打开窗户,利用风扇或空气调节以保持通爽凉快。
- Use a desk fan to blow fumes away from your face. 用台扇把烟味从你脸上吹走。
- The desk calculator use a roll of paper. 这台台式计算机使用卷纸。
- His younger sister uses a fan to wave flies away as his mother dozes on the corner of his bed. 他的母亲在他的床角打盹,他的妹妹使用一台风扇赶蚊子。
- They use a lorry to carry coals. 他们用卡车运煤。
- The theory behind them is sound, and if you are a fan of Lean ideas, then using a Kanban system will seem like a no-brainer. 看板背后支持它的理论非常完善,如果你是精益思想的粉丝,那么看板系统的使用对你来说易如反掌。
- You could always use a dictionary. 你无论如何还可以使用词典嘛。
- He can juggle a fan into a bird. 他能把扇子变成小鸟。
- I can use a cold beer right now! 我真想马上喝一杯冰啤酒。
- "If you decrease the chance of rebreathing exhaled air, your SIDS rate is going to be reduced, says Li."Using a fan is one way. 北加州凯瑟医疗中心的研究人员最新的发现表明减少婴儿突然死亡的一个简单的办法就是:在孩子晚上睡觉的时候打开风扇。
- Use a paper towel to soak up the cooking oil. 用纸巾把食油吸乾。
- He held a fan that opens in his hand. 他的手里拿着一把展开的扇子。
- I don't know how to use a hand loom. 我不知道怎样使用手工织布机。
- I have a telephone, a CD player and a fan. 我有一部电话,一部CD音响和一个电扇。
- He flapped the flies away with a fan. 他用扇子把苍蝇拍走。
- You'd better use a clean piece of paper. 你最好用一张空白纸书写。