- You require a urine test before the examination. 体检前我们要给您查一下尿。
- On your next visit, you will have another urine test. 下次复诊还要进行查尿。
- We will call you for another visit after the results of the urine test is out. 尿检结果出来后我们会叫您的。
- He was suspicious of having taken dopes,but his urine test was negative. 他被怀疑服用了兴奋剂; 但他的尿样检测却是呈阴性的.
- The group subsequently developed a urine test for THG, which has been used to finger several well-known sports figures. 该团队接著针对THG设计尿检程序,揭发了多位运动名将使用禁药。
- He said: "In some specific conditions, through the urine test can detect traces of the existence of cera. 他说:“在一些特定的条件下,通过尿检就能查出cera存在的痕迹。
- The urine test showed that both in vivo in addition to cannabis also contains something else. 而尿检显示,两人体内除含有大麻外还有别的东西。
- After the police urine test, discovered that “the devil”, Liu, Zhang, left some slurps the narcotics. 经警方尿检,发现“鬼子”、刘某、张某、左某均吸食毒品。
- At the Seoul Games of 1988,Alex Watson failed a urine test which showed he had excessive levels of caffeine in his system. 在1988年汉城奥运会上,亚历克斯·沃森尿样检查不过关,发现他的体内有过量的咖啡碱。
- A urine test reveals galactose in the urine. Why is the level of reducing sugar in the blood high? Why does galactose appear in the urine? 尿检显示尿液中有半乳糖。为什么血液中有高水平的还原糖?为什么尿液中有半乳糖?
- At the Seoul Games of 1988, Alex Watson failed a urine test which showed he had excessive levels of caffeine in his system. 在1988年汉城奥运会上,亚历克斯·沃森尿样检查不过关,发现他的体内有过量的咖啡碱。
- A urine test can diagnose the sexually transmitted infection chlamydia in men within an hour, enabling on-the-spot treatment. 一个尿样检测一小时之内就可以诊断出衣原体性别传输感染,使当场治疗成为可能。
- Under questioning, the man surnamed Zhang Yue is Tianmen Town people, through the urine test was positive, there is history of drug abuse. 经审讯,该男子张某,是天门市岳口镇人,经尿检为阳性,有吸毒史。
- Conclusion The diagnosis mainly depends on the clinical manifestation,urine test,B-ultrasonography,intravenous urography (IVU) and CT examination. 结论肾损伤诊断主要依靠临床表现、尿液检查及B超、大剂量造影剂静脉尿路造影及CT检验等。
- In 1985, ABT made regular urine testing a condition of Bissell's renewed employment there. 1985年,在通过了美国芭蕾舞剧院的常规尿样检测后,比斯尔得以重新受聘。
- Police arrested So during a drug raid last June at a Taipei pub, and urine tests showed that he had taken Ecstasy. 在六月一次搜毒行动中,苏在台北一间酒吧被捕,尿液测试证明苏曾服食摇头丸。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- Based on the theory of inverse seek engineering,the functional analysis of the pneumatic system of the sticking machine for urine test pater has been done and its vacuum suction system has been designed by means of inverse seek design too. 利用反求工程理论对尿液化验制片机气动系统进行了功能分析,并对其中的真空吸附系统进行了反求设计。
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。