- Objective To explore a standardized method of dissoluting uric acid calculi with medicine. 目的:探索以代谢评估为指导,用药物溶解尿酸结石的规范化途径。
- Methods Under the guide of the standardized and widespread metabolic evaluation, citrate and allopurinol were administered in 54 patients with uric acid calculi in kidney. 方法:以广泛式代谢评估为指导,使用枸橼酸盐和别嘌呤醇对54例肾尿酸结石病人进行溶石治疗,长期维持用药并结合饮食疗法。
- Nursing care of patients with upper urethra uric acid calculus treated with local stone- lytic fluid perfusion 局部灌注溶石液治疗上尿路尿酸结石病人的护理
- uric acid calculus 尿酸结石; 尿酸石
- Keywords Uralyt-u;Uric acid calculi;Ureteral calculi; 关键词友来特;尿酸结石;输尿管结石;
- Urate is a salt derived from uric acid. 尿酸盐是一种由尿酸形成的盐。
- Urate is a salt deried from uric acid. 尿酸盐是一种由尿酸形成的盐。
- Is the uric acid in blood exorbitant how should do? 血液中的尿酸过高应该怎么办?
- Could Uric Acid Have a Role in Acute Renal Failure? 尿酸是否在急性肾功能衰竭中发挥作用?
- 100.0% patients of uric acid calculi ate animal albumen regularly,and urinary pH within 24h were lower than 6.0(P?0.01). 100%25的尿酸结石患者常吃动物蛋白;24 h尿pH低于6.;0(P?0
- Various kinds of crystals were detected from urinalysis including calcium oxalate, amorphous phosphate, triple phosphate and uric acid in 83 patients (37.9%) of the urinary calculus group and 13 patients (12.6%) of the non-calculus group. 同时,我们发现在83位(37.;9%25)尿路结石病患及13位(12
- The levels of serum uric acid and bilirubin were detected. 分别测定血清胆红素及尿酸水平。
- Allopurinol limits the amount of uric acid the body makes. 别剽铃醇可以减少体内尿酸的生成。
- Cherry, pineapple and celery is very effective in lowering uric acid. 樱桃、波罗、及西芹于降低尿酸方面特别有效。
- Uric acid nephropathy and lupus nephritis are often the cause of renal failure. 尿酸性肾病变和狼疮性肾炎常常是肾衰竭的原因。
- Uric acid (UA) is an end product from purine derivatives in human metabolism. 尿酸是嘌呤的最终代谢产物。
- MS patients and lower serum uric acid levels at relapse stage (P<0.05). 处于MS急性复发期患者的血清尿酸水平低于缓解期患者(P<0.;05)。
- Probenecid improves the kindneys ability to remove uric acid from body. 丙黄舒可以提高肾脏去处尿酸的能力。
- Gout is a painful type of arthritis that results when uric acid crystals build up in the joints. 痛风是一种由尿酸结晶累积在关节导致的疼痛型关节炎。
- A drug,C5H4N4O,used to treat gout because it promotes the excretion of uric acid. 别嘌呤醇一种药物,C5H4N4O,因其可促进尿酸的排泄而被用于治疗痛风