- Folk law exists not only in rural society, but also in urban society. 摘要民间法不仅存在于乡土社会,也存在于都市社会。
- The urban society of the twenty-first century will have little identity with the agrarian philosophy. 二十一世纪的城市社会不大会同意农民的哲学。
- In less than 40 years,Japan has changed from a mostly rural to a mostly urban society. 在不到40年的时间里,日本从一个以农业为主的社会转变成一个以城市为主的社会。
- Culture is both the core of urban civilization and the soul of a harmonious urban society. 扬州市副市长孙永如感言:文化是城市文明的核心,是城市和谐的灵魂!
- In less than 40 years, Japan has changed from a mostly rural to a mostly urban society. 在不到40年的时间里,日本从一个以农业为主的社会转变成一个以城市为主的社会。
- Urban ecological planning is an important approach to correspond urban society,economy and environment. 城市生态规划是实现城市社会、经济和环境协调发展的重要途径。
- Pentecostal churches offer a ready-made community and a source of discipline in an urban society rife with temptations. 在充满诱惑的城市社会里,五旬节派教堂提供了惩戒的一个现成团体和源头。
- The weakness of the mobilization of social policy resources is a common problem confronting the general urban society. 社区层面社会政策资源动员机制薄弱,是当前中国城市社会一个带有普遍性的问题。
- Yet urban society has always vested a wide, indeed awesome, responsibility in its police. 可是城市社会总是把广泛得可怕的责任交给警察。
- Nanning International Folk Song Festival is a ritual of collective memory in modern urban society. 摘要南宁国际民歌艺术节是现代都市社会的一种大众记忆的仪式。
- The net impact of this study is to open a new way of understanding Chinese urban society and culture during these transformative years. 此一研究最终的冲击是,为中国城市在转变年代的社会与文化,开启新的认识途径。
- The details and the moments photographed reveal their living conditions and the contradictory attitude of the urban society towards them. 作者拍摄下来的细节和活动瞬间揭示了这些人的生活状况,以及都市社会对他们的排斥态度。
- Preservation and renewal of historic buildings, districts, and landscapes affirm the continuity and evolution of urban society. 对历史建筑、街区和景观的保护和更新,确保城市社区的连续性和进化。
- In an urban society that has multi-culture, nonnative Hui Muslim construct their particular social network throuhg various ways. 在多元异质文化的都市社会,外来回族穆斯林通过各种方式建构自己独特的社会网络。
- Introducing the market mechanism and realizing the socialism school-running promote the school to enter the urban society with more exoteric pose. 引入市场机制,实现社会化办学,使学校以更开放的姿态融入城市社会中。
- His art is concerned with issues of identity, especially as they relate to image production in contemporary urban society. 他的艺术涉及身份/个性的问题,尤其是关于当代都市社会的图像产品的个性问题。
- We also know that China is in the midst of two transitions at one time: from a command to a market economy and from a rural to an urban society. 我们也知道中国正同时处于两种转变之中:从计划经济到市场经济,从农业到都市社会。
- Although the United States covers so much land and the land produces far more food than the present population needs, its people are by now almost entirely an urban society. 尽管美国陆地面积很大,而且这些土地所生产的粮食数量多于目前美国人口所需的数量,但是现在的美国人几乎完全生活在城市当中。
- The conjoint zones are the transitional areas from urban areas to rural areas, and they are also in the forefront of social transition from the rural society to urban society. 城乡结合部是农村向城市过渡的边缘地带,也是农村社会向城市社会转型的前沿性地带。
- Morley, E. &Rossman, S. (1996), Cities in schools supporting school safety through services to at-risk youth, Education and Urban Society, 28(4), 473-491. 陈珏君(1995);国民中学阶段中途辍学学生的学校经验与生活状况之研究;国立台湾师范大学教育研究所;硕士论文;未出版.