- urban key areas 城市重点地区
- Protecting the eco-environment in key areas. 保护重点区域生态环境。
- The key areas are inMarketing ny of the appendixes. 关键的变化是在众多的附录中。
- The key areas are in many of the appendixes. 关键的变化是在众多的附录中。
- Qimen region is a key area of East-China flora. 祁门蕨类植物区系在区系区划上应属于典型的华东地区。
- Reform and opening-up are key areas in the course of policy-making. 要重点研究深化改革、扩大开放的政策措施。
- Enhancing ecological protection and construction in key areas ? 加强重点区域的生态保护和建设。
- However, it is also far less functional in certain key areas. 而且,在某些关键地方它的功能也远没有那么强大。
- That's why we are world market leaders in key areas of automation. 这就是我们成为自动化关键领域全球市场领导者的秘诀。
- Enhancing ecological protection and construction in key areas? 加强重点区域的生态保护和建设。
- Parking guiding systems will be installed in key areas. 在重点地区建立停车导航系统。
- Having said that, let's compare Joba and Phil in a few key areas. 说了这些,就让我们在一些关键地方来比较一下贾霸跟菲尔。
- Fast-Growing and High-Yielding Timber Base Construction Program in Key Areas. 重点地区速生丰产用材林基地建设工程。
- Key areas of Warrants Investment are Pricing Calculation and Analysis. 权证投资最主要的部分是价格计算及分析。
- What are the key areas where the applicant would benefit from development? 申请人透过个人发展最能提升哪方面的表现?
- The major industrial developments were heavily concentrated in a few key areas. 主要的工业发展都严重集中在几个关键的领域。
- Highlighting the key areas to be covered under channel management strategy. 介绍营销渠道管理策略涵盖的关键领域。
- A sequence of Neocene gypsum-bearing sandy and muddy strata has been recently found in the Xianlin University City, Nanjing, by drilling during urban stereo geological mapping in key areas of Nanjing. 在进行南京市城市立体地质填图试点工作中,经钻探于仙林大学城发现一套新近系含膏砂泥地层,可与六合灵岩山雨花台组沉积地层对比。
- One key area of improvement is simpler supplier registration and configuration. 提高的一个重要方面是供应商的注册和配置更简单。
- Follow up mega project, ensure the success of key area and projects. 重点项目的直接跟踪,确保重点区域和关键项目的成功;