- The novel is a searing indictment of urban poverty. 这部小说是对城市贫困的震撼心灵的控诉。
- urban poverty groups 城市贫困群体
- Town poverty group has humble existence actuality. 城镇贫困群体的规模不断扩大,分布上呈现明显的行业性和区域性特点。
- The novel is a searing indictment of urban poverty . 这部小说是对城市贫困的震撼心灵的控诉。
- He agrees that the link between urban poverty and the environment is serious. 他认为农村的贫困和环境之间的联系是十分严重的。
- Urban poverty neighbourhoods: Typology and spatial concentration under China's market transition, a case study of Nanjing. 城市贫困区:中国市场过渡期的空间聚。
- The results indicted (1) the pride and explicit self-esteem of urban poverty students were negatively correlated with age. 结果发现:(1)城市贫困生随年龄的增长,自豪感和外显自尊呈下降趋势,抑郁状态受年龄的影响不显著。
- All this makes Slumdog a half-hearted, comme ci, comme ca endeavor that wants to both be a fairy-tale and capture urban poverty but falters on both counts. 让这部电影成了半调子,既想成为童话故事,又想捕捉都会贫民面貌,最后两边都不讨好。
- Such was the case of the “New Objective” photography, which Benjamin critiqued for aestheticizing urban poverty “by apprehending it in a fashionably perfected manner” (2:775). 本雅明所批判的“新客观主义”摄影术正是如此,他认为该技术“通过一种时尚化的理想化的方式来理解”城市贫困从而将其美化。(2:775)本雅明认识到该摄影术极具技巧和魅力,但理由不正确。
- Based on the poor economics,this article points out that it is the absence of both human capital and physical capital that leads to the limit logos of urban prole and engender the urban poverty. 以穷人经济学为理论基础,指出人力资本与物质资本的双重短缺及由此导致的穷人行为的有限理性特征,导致了城镇贫困的产生。
- The situation is still severe to reduce the poverty in Tibetan area, because it has large poverty area, apparent return rate to poverty, and appearance and extension of new poverty group in town, etc. 摘要藏区反贫困形势仍然严峻,表现在贫困面大、返贫突出、新的城镇贫困群体的出现与扩大等方面。
- System of safeguard of townsman lowest life is to point to, the country lives under local dweller lowest to domestic per capita the society that population offers the urban poverty that ensures a level necessary help relieves a system. 城市居民最低生活保障制度是指,国家对家庭人均收入低于当地居民最低生活保障标准的城市贫困人口给予必要帮助的社会救济制度。
- The slum in old industry base city reflects the urban poverty problem in reform and progress of China, because some city and urban residential area has decaied in economic and system change. 老工业基地城市的贫困区(棚户区)揭示的是在改革与发展中,一些城市和城市中的一些住区,由于经济结构的衰退和制度转型的冲击,形成城市贫困问题。 治理贫困区,克服城市贫困,关键是要使贫困居民能够分享发展的机遇和成果。
- Based on the spot check data, this article analyses the urban poverty actuality of Lanzhou and the causation of urban poverty in the big and middling cities of western region, so as to find out corresponding measures to lighten the urban poverty. 文章以兰州市为例,利用课题组2005年8月对该市的入户调查数据,分析了其城市贫困的现状及成因,并提出了相应对策建议。
- This part of urban poverty to address the problem of family life, on the one hand, through their retraining to acquire new skills, and then re-transferred to the formal sector employment. 解决这部分城市贫困家庭生活问题,一方面通过对他们再培训,掌握新技能,然后重新转到正规部门就业。
- This paper, based on literature review, attempts to make a cointegration analysis and Granger test on the relationship between Chinese urban poverty and export trade with the data from 1958 to 2005. 在总结相关文献的基础上,利用1985-2005年的数据,对我国出口贸易和城镇贫困之间的关系进行协整分析和格兰杰因果检验。
- Urban Poverty Alleviation Office air from the city of Ai that the situation and decided that these two families of poor farmers AIDS grant funds to support the development of production. 市扶贫办从市艾防办了解到这一情况后,决定对这两户艾滋病贫困农户发展生产给予资金扶持。
- Our Analysis of New Poverty Groups'Employment Feature in China's Urban Areas 我国城市新贫困群体的就业特征分析
- the perennial problem of urban poverty. 始终未能解决城市的贫困问题。
- Urban Poverty and Alleviative Strategy 城镇贫困与缓贫对策研究