- the urban industrial cluster 城市产业集群
- urban industrial cluster 城市产业集群
- The formation of industrial cluster is a dynamic process. 摘要产业集群形成是一个动态过程。
- Externality and industrial cluster promote the process of urbanization by aggregating production essential and enterprises, which, in turn, upgrade urban competitiveness. 产业集群为城市化集聚生产要素与产业,通过提升城市竞争力促进和推动城市化进程;
- The article analyses the cause of industrial isomorphism based on H-O and industrial cluster theory. 并运用生产要素禀赋理论和产业集群等理论,结合开发区类型分类进一步分析产业同构的内在原因。
- In Weiyang, Hanjiang, yizheng urban counties have formed a certain scale characteristics of the toy industry cluster. 在维扬、邗江、仪征等县市区已经形成了具有一定规模的玩具特色产业集群。
- The patterns of industrial cluster are mainly: axis-wheeled, poly-nuclear, netted industrial cluster and so on. 产业集群的模式有轴轮式产业集群、多核式产业集群、网状式产业集群等。
- The heads of Japan's "zaibatsu" -- urban industrial conglomerates -- were pro-Western. 日本大财阀的掌门人都是亲西方的。
- Cluster supply chain is the coupling organizing form between industrial cluster and supply chain. 摘要集群式供应链是产业集群和供应链之间的藕合组织形式。
- And the competitiveness evaluation of industrial cluster in tourism is summarized. 最后,对旅游产业集群竞争力评价进行了总结。
- But the core of region economy development is to cultivate and impetus the competitive industrial cluster. 而区域经济发展的核心是培育和推动具有竞争优势的产业集群。
- Improving land usage and technology level as well as strengthening characteristic management is the trend of urban industrial zone development. 都市型工业园区的发展具有地域性、阶段性等特征,提高用地效益、增强科技含量、强化经营特色是都市型工业园区的发展趋势。
- The Endogenetic Industrial Cluster which mainly includes Small-medium firms contributes to Chinese economy very much. 以民营中小企业为主的内生型产业集群对我国经济发展贡献极大。
- But the social tension due to the development of urban industrialism grew. 但是,由于城市工业主义的发展,社会紧张局势日益加剧。
- The formation, growth and maturity of the industrial cluster is a gradual process of evolution. 摘要产业集群的形成、成长和成熟是一个循时演进的过程。
- The application of this technique widens the use range of cinders and opens up a new way for the cinder from urban industrial boilers to be used as a wall material. 实施该工艺后,放宽了炉渣使用范围,开拓了城市炉底渣作为墙体轻骨料的利用途径。
- According to the life cycle theory, the development of industrial cluster is divided into four stages: formation, growth, maturation and decline. 摘要根据生命周期理论,产业集群的发展分为四个阶段:形成期、成长期、成熟期和衰退期。
- By analyzing the theory of origin of the urban industrial competition ability, the author thinks that a good many factors including direct origin and indirect origin affect it. 通过对城市产业竞争力来源的理论分析,认为它受直接来源和间接来源所包含的诸多因素的共同影响。
- Complementary knowledge-based industrial cluster as a representative come into being under the background of knowledge-based economy age. 随知识经济时代的来临,制度、文化和社会资本等软要素和软环境,对于产业聚的形成和发展有重要的影响,知识的创新与积累逐渐成为推动产业群聚经增长的主要动力。
- Urbanized industry was limited primarily to the Northeast. 城市工业主要局限于东北部。