- Erroneous zone of urban green space landscape design 城市绿地景观设计误区
- urban green space landscape 城市绿地景观
- Abstract: Urban green space system is a main type of urban landscape and plays an important role in maintaining and improving urban environment. 摘要:城市绿地系统是城市景观的主要类型,在维持和改善城市生态环境中起着极为重要的作用。
- As a memorial landscape,a martyr memorial park serves as an important part of urban green spaces with comprehensive functions in commemoration,education and tourism. 烈士陵园作为一种纪念性景观,是城市绿地的重要组成部分,是集纪念、教育与游憩功能为一体的综合体。
- Three-dimensional ecological characters of urban green space and its ecological function. 城市绿地的三维生态特征及其生态功能。
- Combined with the transformation of urban green space and road construction, building green channel to evacuate. 结合城市道路绿地的改造和建设,建设绿色疏散通道。
- Abstract: It is essential to keep the natural hydrological cycling of rainfall in rainfall utilization, which could be realized in urban green space. 摘要:保持雨水的自然水文循环过程是雨水利用的根本,城市绿地成为在高度城市化地区实现这一目标的最佳场所。
- This paper also takes the Shannxi Ankang urban green space planning project as example to further explain the model which is matured in that project. 该模式是在安康绿地系统规划中形成,也以此为例对该模式的应用进行了进一步总结。
- Aiming at the existing problems, the authors put forward corresponding countermeasures, which provide valu-able information for urban green space system planning. 又针对哈尔滨市绿化中存在的问题提出了相应的对策,旨在哈尔滨绿地系统规划提供有价值的信息。
- Urban Green Space System Planning, with the characteristic of multi-disciplinary synthesis, shows the tendency combining the ecology, humanization, science and the artistry. 城市绿地系统的规划具有多学科综合的特点,并呈现出生态化和人性化、科学性和艺术性相结合的趋势。
- Abstract: Studying the effect of green structure, area etc. on improving urban environment and microclimate is important to the planning and layout of urban green space. 摘要: 研究绿地结构对城市绿地系统改善城市环境和小气候的影响,对城市绿地的规划设计具有重要的理论和应用价值。
- The risk of Phytophthora ramorum was analyzed with urban green space pest risk analysis system from the aspects of the introduction of the pathogen, population colonization and potential damage. 摘要该文利用城市绿地有害生物风险分析体系,从病原菌传入、种群定殖、潜在的危害严重度等方面分析了栎树猝死病菌的风险性。
- Dongxiang briefing, organized urban green spaces in urban ecosystems is the lifeline breathing. 董翔介绍,有组织的城市绿地生态系统是城市呼吸的命脉。
- Urban green space system play an extremely important role on city greening,beautification,purification and maintenance of the ecological balance system. 城市绿地系统对城市的绿化、美化、净化及维持城市生态系统的平衡具有十分重要的作用。
- Design of the Urban Green Space Management System 城市园林绿化信息管理系统的设计与实现
- Boundary line of urban green space 城市绿线
- Urban green space system and its research 城市绿地生态系统及其研究
- Study on the seed bank of urban green space 城市绿地种子库的初步研究
- Study on urban forest and urban green space system 城市森林与城市绿地系统关系初探
- Plant materials for urban green space and landscape areas-Flowering bulb seedball 城市绿化和园林绿地用植物材料球根花卉种球