- Development of Urban Forest Ecosystem in Yan'an City 延安城市森林生态体系建设
- urban forest ecosystem 城市森林生态系统
- Millipedes is an important decomposer in the forest ecosystem. 马陆是森林生态系统重要的分解者,在帽儿山林区,马陆摄食量随温度的升高而增加。
- The forest coverage was high,but the forest ecosystem was weak. 森林覆盖率较高,但森林生态系统较为脆弱;
- Assessment of current status of the urban forest in Baotou City. 包头市城市绿地现状评价
- Here the micro-scare varies from a building to a city or a forest ecosystem. 这里的微小尺度小到单一建筑物大到一座城市或一森林生态系。
- One of Kuma's conceits was that the hotel should feel like an “urban forest. 隈研吾的梦想是让酒店如“城市中的森林”一般。
- A Preliminary Study on Community Characteristics of Corticolous Lichen in Forest Ecosystem in Eastern Altay Mts. 阿勒泰东部山区森林生态系统树生地衣群落特征的初步研究。
- A valuation study on the indirect values of forest ecosystem in Changbaishan Mountain Biosphere Reserve of China. 长白山自然保护区森林生态系统间接经济价值评估。
- Sulfur Fractions in Typic Udalfs in Forest Ecosystem in Mt. Lushan as Affected by Acid Deposition. 酸沉降影响下庐山森林生态系统土壤硫形态分布研究。
- Artifical improvement of soil fertility in a regraded forest ecosystem by using municipal sewage sludge. 城市污泥对退化森林生态系统土壤的人工熟化研究。
- Decomposition processes of Tilia amurensis leaves in the Changbai Mountain forest ecosystem. 长白山森林生态系统中椴树叶分解进程的研究。
- The total N 2O emission from forest ecosystem may be underestimated if plants can emit N 2O under natural condition. 如果树木在自然状态下能排放N2 O ,那么森林生态系统的N2 O排放可能被低估。
- At last,it can protect the ecologic environment and enhance the people's consciousness of urban forest construction. 要保护城市生态环境,提高全民城市森林建设意识。
- Similarly, some forest ecosystem models have suggested that rapid and extensive diebacks of certain trees could occur over much of their current range. 与此类似,一些森林生态模型已经显示,一些树木的迅速广泛的消失可能会超出目前的范围。
- Urban Forest Management and Arboriculture Skills Upgrade lectures March with Dr.Bill Fountain in Hong Kong. 此邮件地址受阻挡spam的自动程序保护,需要激活Javascript功能才能查阅。
- Lin T.C. 1999.Acid deposition and forest ecosystem sensitivity in Taiwan .In Bashkin V. and Park S. 林登秋1998.;台风对台湾森林生态系的影响。
- Various forest ecosystem services should be considered when selecting tree species for implementation of SLCP. 对于森林恢复途径和树种的选择,需要考虑未来林分的多种生态系统服务功能。
- In the high-speed Road and College Road and Badaling Jianxiangqiao a gold triangle created a unique urban forest of modern living area. 在八达岭高速路与学院路及健翔桥构成的金三角地带造成了一个独一无二的现代城市森林居住区域。
- Similarly,some forest ecosystem models have suggested that rapid and extensive diebacks of certain trees could occur over much of their current range. 与此类似,一些森林生态模型已经显示,一些树木的迅速广泛的消失可能会超出目前的范围。