- Upper gastrointestinal series and computed tomography of the abdomen also confirmed a tumor within the duodenum. 上肠胃道摄影及腹部计算机断层摄影均显示此肿瘤位于十二指肠。
- Upper gastrointestinal series with water-soluble contrast medium is the most sensitive diagnostic tool. 水溶性钡剂的上消化道摄影术是诊断此疾病最敏感的工具。
- Figure 2. Upper gastrointestinal series showing dilatation of the stomach and proximal duodenum with a corkscrew appearance of the distal duodenum and proximal jejunum. 图2上消化道摄影术显示胃和邻近的十二指肠扩张,十二指肠末端和邻近的空肠呈拔钻形。
- Because of the thin radiolucent stripe surrounding the diverticulum, the appearance on an upper gastrointestinal series has also been described as the halo sign (3). 因为憩室周围具有透光带,此表现也被描述为晕征。
- Objective This paper introduces an improved pneumo barium double contrast examination (for the upper gastrointestinal tract) to release the pain caused by gastrointestinal series. 目的:为了减轻患者检查时的痛苦,对气钡双对比造影(上胃肠道)方法作了改进。
- Upper gastrointestinal series were done in 4 patients, with dilatation of the duodenum and a corkscrew appearance in 3 (Figure 2) and only dilatation of the duodenum with a sudden cutoff in 1. 4例病人做了上消化道摄影术,3例发现十二指肠扩张,呈拔钻形(图2),1例十二指肠扩张并突然截断。
- upper gastrointestinal series 上消化系, 上胃肠系
- Hemobilia is manifested by upper gastrointestinal bleeding. 胆道出血表现为上消化道出血。
- Sonography, upper gastrointestinal (UGI) series, and computed tomography (CT) hae all been used to diagnose midgut olulus. 超声、上消化道(UGI)摄影术和CT都曾用来诊断中肠扭转。
- An upper gastrointestinal (UGI) series and panendoscopy suggested an esophageal tumor, but neither endoscopic nor percutaneous biopsies could lead to a definite diagnosis. 我们报告一位五十一岁男性病人有长期咳嗽及声音沙哑并发咳血、胸痛及发烧而住院。
- A 35-year-old male was admitted with upper gastrointestinal (UGI) bleeding. 摘要肝细胞癌是一种常见且高度恶性的肿瘤,常有转移之发现。
- Purpose To research the clinic value of digital gastrointestinal series. 目的:探讨数字化胃肠造影的临床应用价值。
- An upper gastrointestinal endoscopic examination revealed a polypoid mass moving to and fro between the stomach and the duodenum. 在上消化道内视镜检查的时候,我们发现一个肿瘤在胃和十二指肠之间来回移动。
- Objective: To summarize the character and endoscpic therapy experience for upper gastrointestinal polyp. 目的:总结上消化道息肉的特点及内镜治疗经验。
- Clinical observation of acute cerebral stroke complicated by upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage. 脑卒中并发上消化道出血的临床研究。
- An upper gastrointestinal radiography and computed tomography of the abdomen depicted a polypoid tumor in the second portion of the duodenum. 上肠胃道摄影及腹部电脑断层摄影约显示此十二指肠肿瘤。
- We report a case of a 33-year-old man who had massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding after a two-year history of chronic pancreatitis. 在此,我们报告一位已有两年慢性胰脏炎病史的33岁男性病人,因大量上消化道出血前来本院就医。
- Portal hypertensive gastropathy and gastroesophageal varices are import ant factors of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. 门脉高压胃病和食管胃静脉曲张破裂是上消化道出血重要因素.
- A barium-enhanced upper gastrointestinal study was done, which confirmed duodenal obstruction in all 3 infants. 3个婴儿后来做了胃肠道钡餐检查,证实了十二指肠的梗阻。
- One year ago, the patient has had gastrointestinal series examination revealed niche in the lesser curvature of the stomach. 1年前,病人曾接受胃肠系列X线检查,发现胃小有龛影。