- upper cretaceous oils 上白垩纪油
- As fossil evidences show, the fossil of taxus were found in the upper Cretaceous period. 根据化石研究表明,红豆杉科的化石发现于上白垩世。
- A large carnivorous dinosaur of the Upper Cretaceous Period of North America, characterized by small forelimbs and a large head. 霸王龙上白垩纪北美洲的一种大型食肉恐龙,前肢小且头大
- The types and characteristics of the sedimentary facies developed in Pukou formation of Upper Cretaceous in Huaiyin sag of Yanfu depression are analyzed. 摘要对盐阜坳陷淮阴凹陷上白垩统浦口组发育的沉积相类型及其特征进行了分析。
- During the Upper Cretaceous much of the area was covered by these sediments, they were, however, eroded to a considerable degree. 晚白垩世期间,大片区域都是被这些沉积物所覆盖,但是它们很大程度上都被侵蚀了。
- The boundaries between the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene, Paleocene and Eocene, and Eocene and Oligocene in China nearly accord with corresponding ones elsewhere in the world. 其中,白垩系-古近系界线、古新统-始新统界线和始新统-渐新统界线与国际上相应界线接近或一致。
- Through analyzing AVO attributive parameters of Shannon reservoir,Upper Cretaceous,in three wells,i. e. wells 4106,Katie-1 and 20-11,in Hartzog Draw gas field,U. 本文分析了美国HartzogDraw气田 41 0 6井、Katie 1井和 2 0 1 1井等 3口井上白垩统Shannon储层AVO属性参数 ,Shannon层段在 41 0 6井处为 2 1m厚的含气砂岩 ;
- It is considered that the gas came from the underlying Palaeozoic source rocks, and condensate came from sapropelic kerogen in Upper Cretaceous source rocks. 分析认为 ,天然气主要来自下部的上古生界烃源岩 ,油主要来自上白垩统泰州组中的少量偏腐泥型干酪根。
- The upper Cretaceous and Paleogene are of continental sediments in Henan Province, and the boundary between them considered to be unconformable or disconformable because of the very difference in sedimentation and biological assemblages. 摘要河南省上白垩统与古近系均为陆相沉积,在全省范围内,两者间呈假整合或不整合接触,在沉积特征上显示出较大的差异,在古生物群的演化方面,也各自具有不同的特色。
- It holds that the complex st- ructural features in Eastern Sichuan were formed by overlapping of two st- ructural deformations. The first one took place in late upper Cretaceous and the second in Himalaya tectonic cycle. 认为川东地区复杂的构造面貌是由早、晚两期构造叠加形成,早期变形时代为晚白垩世晚期,由于太平洋板块的推挤,使区内基底断裂发生平移,形成北北东-北东向低缓的S形斜列构造,同时形成有规律分布的北东东向构造。
- Late Yanshan stage was compressive crust deformation which not only formed the wedge-type thrust structure but also caused upper Cretaceous Series unconformable contact with lower Cretaceous Series. 燕山晚期地壳以挤压逆冲变形为主 ,不仅形成了楔冲式推覆构造 ,也使上白垩统与下白垩统为角度不整合接触。
- Based on properties of the rock attached to some of the fragments, Arbour and her colleagues think the specimen may date to about 70 million years ago in the Upper Cretaceous Period. 基于附着在骨骼上碎石的特性,阿伯尔和她的同学们认为这一物种生活在0.;7亿年前白垩纪早期。
- duck-billed dinosaurs; upper Cretaceous. 鸭嘴龙;活跃于晚白垩纪。
- Upper Cretaceous Zhutian Formation 晚白垩世主田组
- Upper Cretaceous in eastern Guangdong Province 粤东地区上白垩统
- small toothless saurischian dinosaurs; upper Cretaceous of Canada. 发现于加拿大上白垩纪的小的无齿蜥臀目恐龙。
- The Research on Cand H Isotopic Compositions of n-Alkanes in Crude Oils and Extracts of the Upper Cretaceous from the Southern Songliao Basin 松辽盆地南部上白垩统烃源岩和原油中正构烷烃的碳氢同位素组成研究
- He slicks his hair down with oil every day. 他每天搽油把头梳得光溜溜的。
- Upper Cretaceous Reservoir Characteristics in Northern Jiangsu Area 苏北地区上白垩统储层特征