- We suggert to introduce CO2 as a component in the upper atmosphere model and lower the computing interface down to 80 km. 建议在高层大气模式中引进CO_2分量并降低计算界面到80公里。
- upper atmosphere model 高层大气模式
- The first-stage vehicle is used to launch the rocket and is then jettisoned in the upper atmosphere. 第一级运载火箭是用来发射火箭的,进入高层大气后即抛掉。
- Once in the upper atmosphere,CFC reacts with ozone to destroy it. 氯氟化碳一旦进人上层大气,就会与臭氧发生反应,从而破坏臭氧层。
- Once in the upper atmosphere, CFC's react with ozone to destroy it. 氯氟化碳一旦进人上层大气,就会与臭氧发生反应,从而破坏臭氧层。
- The study of the upper atmosphere, especially of regions of ionized gas. 高层大气物理学对有关高层大气,特别是离子化大气层的研究
- Heating and Kinetic Energy Dissipation in the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model. NCAR社区大气模式中热量和动量扩散。
- Quickly fading ones suggest a dry upper atmosphere and fair weather. 迅速消逝的轨迹表明上层大气层干燥和晴朗的天气。
- CCD star sensor with a high accurary and precise mathematical model of starlight passing through the upper atmosphere is used to indirectly sense ths earth horizon, such that the attitude and orbit of the satellite can be accurately determine. 这种导航方案利用高精度的CCD星敏感器,结合星光穿越大气的较精确的数学模型,来间接敏感地平,从而实现对卫星的精确定位和定姿。
- Particle concentrations in the upper atmosphere drop regularly as the altitude rises. 在高层大气中粒子浓度随高度的增加而有规律地下降。
- Scientists believe that tiny ice crystals of nitric acid in Antarctica's upper atmosphere are directly involved. 科学家认为,南极上部大气圈内微小的硝酸冰晶也直接参与其中。
- Scientists fear that the continued depletion of the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere will thus cause widespread health problems. 科学家担心,上部大气圈臭氧层的继续损坏将会引起普遍的健康问题。
- Ozone occurs naturally in the upper atmosphere and helps to mop up ultraviolet radiation. 臭氧自然发生在上层大气层,帮助抹去紫外线幅射。
- China started to explore the upper atmosphere using rockets and balloons in the early 1960s. 中国在二十世纪六十年代初期开始利用探空火箭、探空气球开展了高层大气探测。
- A low - or middle - latitude, more or less steady, faint photochemical luminescence in the upper atmosphere. 气辉大气层上部位于低纬或中纬的相对稳定的微弱光化冷光
- Reactions between oxygen and ultraviolet radiation from the sun create a layer of ozone throughout Earth's stratosphere (upper atmosphere). 太阳辐射紫外线和氧反应在整个地球平流层(上部大气圈)内产生一个臭氧层。
- This paper puts forward the necessity of research on the probability of ALCM, and also establishes the model of ALCM’s clobber probability based on both the Butterworth terrain model and the Dryden atmosphere model. 提出了研究空射巡航导弹(ALCM)撞地概率的必要性,基于布特沃斯地形模型和德莱顿大气紊流模型,建立了ALCM撞地概率仿真模型。
- In the upper atmosphere, ozone shields the earth from the harmful ultraviolet radiation. 臭氧在大气层的作用是阻挡太阳释放出来的有害紫外线。
- Sky: The expanse of air over any given point on Earth; the upper atmosphere as seen from Earth's surface. 天,天空:在地球上给定地点上方空气的宽阔区域;大气层上部,如从地球表面看上去。
- This paper puts forward the necessity of research on the probability of ALCM, and also establishes the model of ALCM's clobber probability based on both the Butterworth terrain model and the Dryden atmosphere model. 提出了研究空射巡航导弹(ALCM)撞地概率的必要性,基于布特沃斯地形模型和德莱顿大气紊流模型,建立了ALCM撞地概率仿真模型。