- Pressure features of Upper Triassic series of middle-west Sichuan basin and the assemble of oil and nature gas 四川盆地中西部地区上三叠统压力特征与油气运聚
- The stratigraphic subdivision and correlation of the upper Triassic series in front of Daba Mountains 大巴山前缘地区上三叠统地层划分与对比
- Keywords Zichang oilfield;Upper Triassic series;Chang2 reservoir;diagenesis;physical property;influence factor; 子长油田;上三叠统;长2油层组;成岩作用;物性;影响因素;
- Evaluation of Hydrocarbon-generating Potential of the Fourth and Fifth Member Mudstone of Yanchang Formation of Upper Triassic Series in Ordos Basin 鄂尔多斯盆地上三叠统延长组四、五段泥岩生烃潜力评价
- upper Triassic series 上三叠统
- The Upper Triassic ,Lower and Middle Jurassic loos... 找矿目的层是上三叠统和下、中侏罗统的疏松砂岩层。
- Source beds are turbidite of middle Triassic series. 矿源层为中三叠统浊积岩。
- The island-arc volcanic rocks are observed in the Upper Triassic Rola Kangri Group. 新发现上三叠统若拉岗日群岛弧相火山岩;
- Formation factors and mechanism of the laumontite in upper Triassic Yanchang group of Jingan oilfield are analyzed. 分析了靖安油田上三叠系延长统浊沸石的形成条件及形成机理。
- They are Liangshan stage of Early Permian series,Longtan stage of late Permian series and Xiangxi stage of Early Jurassic-Late Triassic series. 梁山煤系和龙潭煤系煤岩变质程度较高 ,生气量大 ,赋存大量以吸附态为主的煤层气。
- Chuxiong basin is a Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary basin developed on the basis of Upper Triassic Epoch faulting-subsiding basin. 楚雄盆地为晚三叠世断陷盆地基础上发展起来的中新生代沉积盆地。
- They are Liangshan stage of Early Permian series, Longtan stage of late Permian series and Xiangxi stage of Early Jurassic-Late Triassic series. 湖北省主要发育有三套煤系,即下二叠统梁山煤系、上二叠统龙潭煤系、上三叠-下侏罗统香溪煤系。
- Dark mudstones and the turbidites of deep lake facies were discovered recently in the Member 1 of Yanchang Formation,Upper Triassic in Ordos Basin. 鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系延长组长1段发育一套深湖相浊积岩及数层暗色泥岩。
- In the tight Upper Triassic sandstone with low porosity and permeability, the distributary channel sand body would be the beneficial target. 在致密低孔低渗的上三叠统厚层砂岩中,分流河道砂体储集性能最好,是勘探的有利目标层。
- The Upper Triassic in the western Sichuan foreland basin can be divided into 4 third order sequences and 12 system tracts. 摘要应用层序地层学方法将川西前陆盆地上三叠统划分为4个三级层序和12个体系域。
- Dark mudstones and the turbidites of deep lake facies were discovered recently in the Member 1 of Yanchang Formation, Upper Triassic in Ordos Basin. 摘要鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系延长组长1段发育一套深湖相浊积岩及数层暗色泥岩。
- The Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Fuxian area is totally a very low porosity and permeability sandstone reservoir. 研究表明,陕北富县延长组总体为特低孔渗砂岩储层。
- The widely developed Upper Triassic coalmeasure source rocks have provided sufficient gases for the pool formed in the Western Sichuan Depression. 川西坳陷广泛发育上三叠统煤系烃源岩,为煤成气成藏提供了充足的气源。
- The upper Triassic in Fuxian area, the geochemistry characters and the distributing mode of REE curve was consistented with the Archaean and the early Proterozoicmetamorphic rock. 富县地区延长组REE地球化学特征及REE分配模式曲线与盆地东北缘太古代及早元古代变质岩一致,而且,镇泾地区和盆地东北缘变质岩REE分配模式也基本一致,说明鄂尔多斯地区在太古代及早元古代为一统一的基底,只是西南及东北构造演化的过程不同,证明了它们物质来源都基本继承了原始物质的特征。