- upload multifont 加载多字型
- RPC from core client to file upload handler. 从核心服务器到文件上传处理模块的远程过程调用。
- Cannot download, anyone can upload it? Thanks. 下载不了。哪位上传一下。谢谢。
- An error occurred when trying to start upload. 在尝试开始上载时发生了一个错误。
- Click to upload document in the selected library. 单击此处可在所选文档库中上载文档。
- Upload videos from your web camera or camcorder. 从你的网照相机或摄象机上载录像。
- Approved authors can upload updates of books. 经批准的作者可以上载书籍的更新。
- Select a file that you want to upload. 在你的电脑里选择要上传的文件。
- Click Browse to select a file to upload. 单击“浏览”以选择要上载的文件。
- That's all people! I hope you value this guide and enjoy multifont! 这是给所有的人(使用的)!我希望你们珍惜这个指南和并享受多字体给你带去的乐趣!
- You might even upload audio and video to your page. 您甚至可以将音频和视频上载到您的页面。
- Upload all files to your web server. 上传所有文件到你的网站服务器。
- Upload any computer file to your pages. 将任何计算机文件上载到页面。
- Upload retry on client progress. 客户端进程的上载重试。
- Upload the recording to a Think. Com web page. 将录音上载到Think.;com网页上。
- Upload your ClickOnce deployment to a Web server. 将ClickOnce部署上载到Web服务器。
- Default maximum file size per upload"; s. 单次上载文件大小的上限(缺省)。
- HEAD call to server failed. Upload aborted. HEAD呼叫服务器时失败。上载操作异常终止。
- Upload your folder to our FTP site. 将资料夹上传到我们的画面内。
- Can someone who has it please upload? I can trade. 请有它的人能否上装?我可以换。