- The Effects of Different Soil pH Values on Growth of Upland Rice Seedlings 不同pH值对旱稻幼苗生长的影响
- upland rice seedlings 早稻幼苗
- He bedded rice seedlings in rows . 他将秧苗插成排。
- He bedded rice seedlings in rows. 他将秧苗插成排。
- Transplanting rice seedlings has started. 插秧就要开始了。
- Farmers are transplanting rice seedlings. 农民正在田地里栽插水稻。
- T2 Strip cropping: Upland rice and soybean planted in 6m strips. T2条带状种植:旱稻和大豆分别种植在6米宽的条带上;
- The peasants bent over to transplant rice seedlings in the fields. 农民们在地里弯腰插秧。
- Title: Study on Root Characters of Upland Rice and Paddy Rice (Oryza sativa L. 关键词:水稻;陆稻;根长;根基粗;叶片水势
- The rice seedlings were covered with plastic sheeting. 秧苗上面覆盖着塑料薄膜。
- The peasants seized the April occasion to plant rice seedlings. 农民抓住四月的好时机插秧。
- We came specially to learn from you how to raise rice seedlings. 我们是特地来向您学习育秧的。
- It rained soon after we had transplanted the rice seedlings. 插完秧不久就下了一场雨。
- Brazilian upland rice Aiba 9 was used as the control,comparison experiments of five new upland rice varieties such as Handao 502 and Handao 10 etc. 以巴西旱稻艾巴9号为对照,对旱稻502、旱稻10号等5个品种进行小区比较试验。
- Upland rice in Doi Tung and corn followed by lablab bean in Chiang Dao were planted in the 5 m wide alleyways. 在DoiTung把旱稻种植在5m宽的行道中,在清道则5m宽的行道上种植玉米-大豆;
- T5 Farmers' practice( upland rice planting up and down slope every two years). The work under this treatment was carried out by farmers. T5农民习惯种植方式(两年顺坡自上而下种植旱稻)这个处理由农民自己实施。
- The changes of chlorophyll content in the leaves of both Brazilian upland rice and normal rice varieties after drought stress were not obvious. 干旱胁迫后不同水陆稻品种叶片中叶绿素含量变化均不明显;
- At the same time,the characteristics were verified that the lowland rice prefers NH + 4 to NO - 3 in contrast with the upland rice. 同时验证了水稻喜 NH+4 和旱稻喜 NO- 3的吸收特性 .
- T3 Alley cropping: Double rows of vetiver with mango trees as 1 meter wide hedgerows. Upland rice planted in 5 m wide alleyways. T3巷带种植:两行香根草和芒果树作为1米宽的隔离带。旱稻种在5米宽的行道中;
- Hwabongbyeo, Zhongzuo9059, Upland rice 9, Upland rice 502 and IRAT359 with higher tolerance to low N-fertilized level, which were nonsensitive to nitrogen. 花峰稻、中作9059、旱稻9号、旱稻502和IRAT359等种质资源表现较迟钝的氮素反应,具有较强的耐低氮能力。