- By adding acid favourable prerequisites for achieving a defined, metallically bright surface condition are provided to build up protective layers for unit parts contacting water and stea. 加酸之后,就具备了达到确定的金属光泽表面状态的有利先决条件,这样就为接触水和蒸汽的设备零件增加了保护层。
- To cover with a thin protective layer. 覆盖以薄的保护层覆盖。
- Kitchen and toilet: Construct up to the waterpoof protective layer,preserve pipeline interfaces. 厨房、卫生间:施工至防水保护层,预留各种管线接口。
- Epidermis The outer protective layer of cells in plants. 表皮:是位于植物体的最外方的保护层细胞。
- All edges to have a protective layer to protect from impact damage. 所有的边要加一个保护以避免损伤。
- If you uses Lux, it will add a protective layer all over your body. 如果你用力士,它会在你的肌体上增加一层保护层。
- The ozone layer is a protective layer around the planet Earth. 臭氧层是地球的保护层。
- Thic coat serves as an adhesive between cells and as a protective layer. 这一层负责细胞间的连接,并作为细胞的保护层。
- Under no circumstances would we give up protecting the environment. 任何情况之下,我们都不会放弃环境保护。
- Palmer orders Chappelle to step up protection on Teri and Kim. 帕默命令薛潘,加强对杰克家人的保护措施。
- Can cover up a face of plaque, thin Crease and bulky pores effectively, at the same time in the skin surface formulating protective layer, Insulate the outside surroundings to violate to the skin, create the beauty healthy skin that leuco- is radiant. 能有效遮盖脸部斑痕、纹及粗大毛孔,同时在肌肤表面形成保护层,隔离外界环境对皮肤的侵害,缔造靓白晶莹的健康肌肤。
- Entrance of stairway, prearranged hole, opening in floors must be barricaded; channels must be put up protective canopy. 楼梯口、预留洞口、坑井必须有防护栏板或盖板,通道口要有防护棚。
- Hundreds of people poured out into the streets, taking pictures of the inferno as police tried to push the crowds back and set up protective cordons. 成群的人涌向街头,拍摄这熊熊大火,而警察试图将人群驱赶开并且设立了警戒线。
- The method is to coat a wafer of silicon with a protective layer of silicon dioxide. 其方法是往硅片上涂上一层二氧化硅防护膜。
- Use of the protective layer of water, the dolphins swimming almost no friction or create a vortex. 借助这个水的保护层,海豚游动时几乎没有磨擦力,也不造成漩涡。
- This sudden cold, sudden changes in heat must use special materials and protective layer. 这种骤冷、骤热的变化必须要使用特殊的材料及防护层。
- The protective layer of the Paiho earthdam at the Miyun Reservoir slid during an earthquake in 1976. 1976年地震时密云水库白河土坝保护层发生滑坡。
- We stepped up protection of resources and the environment in nature reserves, scenic areas, historical sites and tourist attractions. 加强自然保护区、风景名胜区和旅游景区的资源与环境保护。
- Without this protective layer, other Colostrum products can be destroyed by stomach acids and offer limited benefit. 没有这些保护外层,其它的牛初乳产品会被胃酸所破坏除低吸收的效益。
- I mean, what kind of brain-dead moron could screw up protecting the spellcasters? 我是说,哪种没脑子的蠢蛋会把保护施法者的活儿搞得一团糟?