- There are several sectors unusable in this disk. 这张磁盘有几个扇区坏了。
- unusable undercut 无用倒凹
- The act of obtaining usable substances from unusable sources. 废物利用从无用的东西中获取有用物质的行为
- To saturate with water and make soggy or unusable. 吸取过量用水浸透使湿润或不能用
- We are not trying to undercut the opposition. 我不是跟反对我们的人过不去。
- The plastic surgeon undercut the skin of her cheek. 整容外科医生将她的脸皮下部切开。
- If our two companies were to join forces we could undercut all our competitors. 如果我们两家公司联合起来的话,我们可以削价同我们的所有竞争对手抢生意。
- Unu ovo malbona tutan mangon difektas. 一个臭蛋弄坏一盘菜。
- The Remote Access IP configuration is unusable. 远程访问IP配置不可用。
- Ili amas unu li anian, kvaza ili estus fratoj. 他们互相爱护,好像兄弟办。
- Unu ovo malbona tutan man?on difektas. 一个臭蛋弄坏一盘菜。
- We were able to undercut our European rivals by 5%. 我们能以低于我们的欧洲对手 5%25 的价格出售。
- Je unu vespero la alilandulo sidis sur sia balkono. 在一个晚上,那个外国人坐在自家的阳台上。
- I'd say about half of the shipment is unusable. 我看大概有一半的货不能用了。
- Can you explain an undercut to me? 你能给解释一下异侧摆越吗? The gymnast releases one hand from the pommel and brings his legs around.
- This log file has been damaged and is unusable. 此日志文件已损坏,不能使用。
- Can you describe an undercut for me? 能给我描述一下异侧摆越吗?
- This log file is damaged and is unusable. 此日志文件已损坏且无法使用。
- Undercut relief and lead-in chamfers. 英文名称: ISO screw threads.
- Error in Writing MBR. The harddisk may be unusable. 写(硬盘)主引导记录错误,硬盘可能损坏了。