- untamped backfill 未夯实回填土
- This article is good for promotion of backfill. 本文对充填技术的推广,具有一定的参考价值。
- Paste-like backfill" is a new mode of backfill mining. "似膏体充填"是一种新型的充填采矿模式。
- The backfill should fill the wells well, not leave any space. 填料的回灌要保证密实,减少集热器与周围土壤的接触热阻。
- CFG pil; backfill soil; composite foundation; load test. CFG桩;填土;复合地基;载荷试验
- "Paste-like backfill"is a new mode of backfill mining. “似膏体充填”是一种新型充填采矿模式。
- Most deployments of Exchange do not need a preferred backfill server. Exchange的大多数部署都无需首选回填服务器。
- Slags containing Mn is used as the roadbed backfill instead of natural clay. 利用含锰废渣代替天然粘土作为路基回填土。
- Yahoo insists it will use the main Google ads to "backfill" of its search page. 雅虎坚称它将主要使用谷歌的广告来“回填”其搜索网页。
- Backfill grouting is a key process during shield tunnel construction. 摘要壁后注浆是盾构施工的关键工序。
- The formation of the paste-like backfill technology is introduced briefly. 概要地介绍了似膏体充填技术的形成;
- All fiber materials should not be used in backfill for infrastructures. 一切纤维物质不得遗留于基础设施之中进行回填深埋;
- Backfill shall be done continuously and finished as soon as possible. 土方回填施工连续进行,尽快完成。
- At last, some suggestions were raised for the concrete backfill mining. 最后对具体的充填开采方法提出了建议。
- The new database can then send backfill requests as needed to fill in the replica content. 然后,新数据库会根据需要发送回填请求以填充副本内容。
- Backfill requests that relate to the public folder hierarchy will still be fulfilled. 与公用文件夹层次结构相关的回填请求仍将完成。
- Most deployments of Exchange Server 2003 do not need a preferred backfill server. 大多数Exchange Server 2003部署不需要首选的回填服务器。
- If change numbers still appear to be missing, ExServ01 waits 24 hours, and then sends an updated backfill request. 如果仍会显示缺少更改编号,ExServ01会等待24小时,然后发送更新的回填请求。
- If change numbers still appear to be missing, ExchServ01 waits 24 hours, and then sends an updated backfill request. 如果看起来仍然缺少更改编号,ExchSvr01将等待24小时,然后发送更新后的回填请求。
- Burnout on teams is very high, and there aren't enough new people coming out of the schools to backfill. 人才需求很大,却只有很少毕业生加入。