- unordered tetrad 非顺序四分体
- An unordered accumulation; a pile. 无秩序的累积;堆
- The micronuclei were not observed in tetrad stage . 四分体阶段有微核。
- An unordered accumulation;a pile. 无秩序的累积;堆
- The other cells of the tetrad undergo degeneration. 胚囊发育类型为单孢子蓼型胚囊;
- You have an unordered collection of data. 你拥有的是一个无序的数据集。
- Creates an unordered list of items. 创建一个无序列表。
- This example demonstrates an unordered list. 这个案例展示了一个无序列表。
- The microspores in tetrad stage showed tetrahedron structure. 小孢子四分体为四面体型。
- Which undergoes meitotic division and forms a linear tetrad. 由孢原细胞直接发育形成大孢子母细胞。
- Abnormal development was observed at tetrad and mature embryo sac. 在四分体和成熟胚囊时期观察到了异常发育现象。
- This example demonstrates different types of unordered lists. 这个案例展示了各种不同样式的无序列表。
- A set object is an unordered collection of hashable values. 集合对象是一组无序排列的可哈希的值。
- Provides an unordered collection of information about the document. 提供了关于文档的无序信息集合。
- Displays a custom number of recent posts in an unordered list. 在一个无序列表上显示自定义数目最近文章的列表。
- Remove Format Unlink Undo Redo Ordered List Unordered... 斗地主、麻将配音 " 发表回复...
- As mentioned, unordered containers need an auxiliary array to work. 如上所述,无序容器需要一个辅助的数组来工作。
- At tetrad stage, dyad, triad, tetrad with micronucleus and polyad appeared. 四分体时期还出现二分体、三分体、含微核的异常四分体及多分体。
- The megaspore mother cell meiosis to form a linear megaspore tetrad. 大孢子母细胞减数分裂产生直线形大孢子四分体。
- The chalazal megaspore of a linear tetrad develops into a polygonum type sac. 四分体线行排列,合点端的大孢子发育为蓼型胚囊。