- He was not unlearned in history. 他对历史并非无知。
- Our sales director is unlearned. 我们的销售部主任没有文化。
- He was unlearned in computer application. 他不精通电脑运用。
- The poem is obscure to those unlearned in the classics. 这首诗在不懂古典诗作的人看来是费解的。
- Unlearn your pronunciation if it's inscrutable. 假如你的发音令人听不懂,便须全盘改过。
- It's difficult to unlearn bad driving habits. 抛弃不良的习惯是很难的。
- The unlearned always pretend to be erudite. 不学无术的人总是伪装知识渊博。
- A lawyer is not unlearned profession. 律师是一个需要学问的职业。
- He was unlearned in the way's of the world. 他不通晓人情世故。
- Better unlearned than ill-learned. 学而不化;不如无学.
- Julian is unlearned in literature to a proverb. 朱利安在文学方面的无知人所共知/到了无以复加的程度
- However, some lessons cannot go unlearnt. 然而,有些教训必须吸取。
- She is untalented and unlearned. 她才疏学浅。
- To learn virtue is to unlearn vice. 向善即弃恶。
- It is harder to unlearn than to learn. 学会容易改正难。
- Can people unlearn their naked shame? 人们能不再羞于裸体么?
- Why is it so hard to disguise or unlearn an accent? 口音为何难以伪装或去除?
- My parents taught me everything I need to unlearn. 我父母教会我所有的东西,我都必需学着怎么把它们忘掉。
- Why is it hard to "unlearn" an incorrect fact? 为何难于“忘却”错误的事实?
- You learn and you unlearn at the same time. 学习与忘掉已学过的知识,去掉恶习,得新弃旧是同时在进行的。