- unjust related transaction 关联交易
- The EDI service for trade related transaction was launched in 1997. 以电子联通方式办理与贸易有关的政府文件,于一九九七年正式开始。
- Transfer pricing is the cor e of related transaction. 转移定价是关联交易的核心问题。
- "Kos theorem" on the related transaction costs, define property rights, the triangular relationship between the allocation of resources. “科斯定理”讲述的是有关交易费用、产权界定、资源配置之间的三角关系。
- Starting from the important functions and present situation of related transaction management among the listed bank,insider and shareholder,this paper advances some suggestions on improving the related transaction management. 从上市银行与内部人、股东关联交易管理的重要作用以及现实状况出发,提出了改进关联交易管理工作的建议。
- It will be unjust to let me suffer for the folly of other people. 让我因他人的愚昧而受罪是不公平的。
- Disclosure of Related Transaction 关联交易状况公开
- In realtime systems the processing of related transactions that have been grouped together. 在实时系统中,对已被组合在一起的有关事务进行处理的过程。
- Related Transaction of Banking Industry 银行业关联交易
- He said that the people's accusation was unjust. 他说人们的指控是不公正的。
- The farmers raved about their unjust treatment. 农民们愤怒抗议他们所受的不公平待遇。
- The company hold the pricinple of equality, voluntariness, equipollence and compensatory in all the related transactions. 公司关联交易遵循平等、自愿、等价、有偿的原则"这句话?
- Of course students will writhe under such unjust treatment. 当然学生会对这样不公正的对待感到不快。
- It was unjust of them not to hear my side. 他们不听我这方面的意见,这不公正。
- Our empirical results show that independent directors in China play a positive role in reducing the related transactions. 我们的实证结果表明,我国独立董事在关联交易方面是起到了积极的作用。
- They refused to submit to the unjust decision. 他们拒绝服从这个不公正的决定。
- For the security of the financial holding companies, proper "risk system" must be established to prevent nonstandard related transactions. 摘要为了金融控股公司的安全性,必须设立适当的“防火墙”,时不规范的关联交易进行防范和控制。
- E.J.McKay &Co., Inc. is a global corporate strategy and mergers &acquisitions advisory group focusing on China related transactions. 马凯是一家以中国业务为核心的跨国收购兼并及董事会策略的顾问公司。
- The sentence of six months imprisonment was most unjust. 六个月监禁的判决极其不公。
- E.J.McKay is a global investment banking firm focused on mergers and acquisitions and corporate strategy advisory work specializing in China related transactions. 马凯是一家以中国业务为核心的全球性投资银行公司,专门从事跨国收购兼并业务及董事会策略的制定。