- A university administrator of high rank. 教务长一种高层的大学管理人员
- The university administration said the car parking fees would help to deal with illegal car parking. 大学行政部门认为收取停车费用会有助于解决校内乱停车的问题。
- I have noticed that deans and other university administrators like to promote diversity on their committees. 我注意到,院长和其他一些学校行政管理者,喜欢促进委员会的多样性。
- Such discriminatory behavior was "tactical" because the Chinese students just happened to be standing in the way of university administrators. 这些大学想招收更多的非华裔的少数民族的学生从而使自己显得在文化上更多元。
- University administrators must find ways to keep courses relevant amid a flood of new technologies, while maintaining rigorous standards. 大学校长必须能时时在众多的新的科学技术中以严格的标准找出相关的课程。
- But those values do not give you a good footing to stand firm when university administrators pressure or tempt you to make the program non-free. 但当大学管理人士压迫或者诱惑你把软件变得不自由时,这种价值观不会给你一个好的立足点。
- Work out the arrangement with the sponsor first, then politely show the university administration that it is not open to renegotiation. 首先和赞助商制订出安排,然后委婉的告诉大学管理层人士,违约是不行的。
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要进入名牌大学学习的梦想实现了。
- Bouricius,42,probably could have found work as a university administrator,in publishing or in the nonprofit sector. But "I'm not an eight-hours-in-an-of fice kind of person," she says. 42岁的布瑞舍斯如果不干运输,现在可能已经是一位大学行政管理人员或已经在出版社或非营利性部门任职了,但是,她说:“我不是那种八小时坐班式的人。”
- Reflecting on the present situations of the university administration,the lack of lenitive system leads to unfair outcomes,which would surely be questioned by the punished students. 反观高校学生管理的现状,缺乏程序缓冲机制的学生处分行为很容易产生不公正的结果,这种结果当然会遭到处于被动接受处分状态的学生的质疑。
- He got in with a bad crowd at university. 他在大学里和一帮坏人厮混。
- I was denied the chance of going to university. 我得不到上大学的机会。
- He will get a place at the university. 他将在大学里获得一个职位。
- Bouricius, 42, probably could have found work as a university administrator, in publishing or in the nonprofit sector . But "I'm not an eight-hours-in-an-of fice kind of person," she says. 42岁的布瑞舍斯如果不干运输,现在可能已经是一位大学行政管理人员或已经在出版社或非营利性部门任职了,但是,她说:“我不是那种八小时坐班式的人。”
- I rue never having been to university. 我后悔从未上过大学。
- She usually gets her best pupils into university. 她教的最好的学生通常都能考上大学。
- Oxford is a collegiate university. 牛津是由学院组成的大学。
- The managers of university administration make efforts on allotting, organizing and using the limited education resources reasonably and fully, and realize the university spirit in the end. 大学的行政管理就是将大学里有限的教育资源合理的分配、组织和利用,使其充分发挥,最终实现大学的精神。
- You need brains to become a university professor. 当大学教授要有才智。
- I am studying art at Stockholm University. 我在斯德哥尔摩大学攻读艺术。