- When was universal suffrage introduced in your country? 贵国是什么时候实行普选权的?
- Mr.Tsang pledged to strive for universal suffrage. 曾荫权承诺,为实现普选而努力。
- All 60 seats will be elected on the basis of universal suffrage. 立法会全部60个议席透过地区直选产生。
- She hoped to witness universal suffrage during her lifetime. 她希望在有生之年看见普选落实的一天。
- After a long battle, the First Age established universal suffrage. 在长期斗争以后,第一个时代的民主创立了普选制度。
- Universal suffrage was generally equated with direct elections. 普选通常等同直选。
- In fact, serious objections may be made to universal suffrage. 事实上,普选应该受到严励的反对。
- Taiwan has universal suffrage; all citizens are allowed to vote. 台湾有普选权,举凡公民皆可投票。
- Universal suffrage is thus the gauge of the maturity of the working class. 因此,普选制是测量工人阶级成熟性的标尺。
- There is no sign of a major change in Beijing's stance over universal suffrage. 没有迹象显示中央政府对普选的立场有重大改变。
- And lastly the possessing class rules directly by means of universal suffrage. 最后,有产阶级是直接通过普选制来统治的。
- People have been demanding a legislature chosen by universal suffrage. 民众要求立法机关通过”普选“的方式选出。
- The C Standing Committee has already ruled out universal suffrage by2007. 人大常委会已否决二零零七年实施普选。
- The NPC Standing Committee has already ruled out universal suffrage by2007. 人大常委会已否决二零零七年实施普选。
- A mock referendum on universal suffrage will be held before the rally. 集会前将先就普选议题进行模拟公投。
- And lastly the possessing class rules directly by means of universal suffrage . 最后,有产阶级是直接通过普选制来统治的。
- Geographical constituency elections are held on the basis of universal suffrage. 地方选区选举以普选方式进行。
- The Basic Law also provides that the ultimate aim is the election of all members of the Legislative Council by universal suffrage. 《基本法》也订明,立法会的组成方式,最终是要达到全体议员由普选产生的目标。
- The ultimate aim is the election of both the chief executive and the entire legislature through universal suffrage. 最终目标是行政长官和整个立法会均透过普选产生。
- In the US it took 182 years to achieve full, universal suffrage for everyone 18 and over. 美国要用上一百八十二年才达致全面普选,让所有十八岁及以上的国民享有选举权。