- Do you have a universal love to many girls? 你对许多女孩子都有博爱之情吗?
- S: Sorry again. Is universal love possible? (再次抱歉。博爱是可能的吗?)
- In the world the greatest love is not speaks thoughtlessly says: I love you But is the universal love. 在最巨大的爱不是的世界讲话轻率说:我爱你,但是普遍爱.
- The unfamiliar woman of the good natured symbolizes the humanitarianism that the author has the universal love spirit. 心地善良的陌生女人象征作者具有博爱精神的人道主义。
- Mozi' s concept of universal love is significant because it is built on a critique of a narrow love that is limited to one' s family. 墨子兼爱的概念是很重要的,因为它建立在批评那种只局限于自己家庭的狭隘的爱的基础上。
- Expand humane universal love, enjoy the one blue sky together, support a poverty to help to trap, the human life genuine feeling. 弘扬人道博爱,同享一片蓝天,扶贫帮困,人间真情。
- Universal Love II: Mozi said: The purpose of the magnanimous is to be found in procuring benefits for the world and eliminating its calamities. 1兼爱中:子墨子言曰:仁人之所以为事者,必兴天下之利,除去天下之害,以此为事者也。
- The Heart of Universal Love is at the center of Universal love Light. This center, this heart, is engendered by the original intent. 大爱心就是大爱光的中心点。这个中心点,就是原心,原来的这一颗心,就是愿。
- Ikeda's advocacy of practicable spirit of seeking peace and against wars can be traced to the same origin of Mohist theory of universal love and no war. 墨子的“兼爱非攻”与池田力主以实践的精神去反对战争,追求和平,凸显了东方思想家一脉相承的思想源流。
- The talk of filial respect soon shifted to spreading universal love, leading to a final surprise: Li's children emerged, to serenade him with "Parable of the Kneeling Lamb". 他将对父母的孝,转化作遍洒人间的爱,演讲的尾声有个惊喜,李伟嵩的孩子现身,为他表演了一段跪羊图;
- Striving for the truth, doing goodness, perfection, universal love and sacrosanctity are the highest level of humanistic spirit, principles and goals of practicing medicine. 求真、行善、臻美、博爱、至圣是人文精神的最高境界,是医疗工作者行医活动的准则及目标。
- I don’t believe the universal love of politician, the moralist’s love say with certainly, nor the unfathomable love of philosopher, but I believe the frank love of poet. 我不相信政治家放诸四海的爱,也不相信道德家言之凿凿的爱,也不相信哲学家高深莫测的爱,但我相信诗人坦白的爱。
- I love Grey’s firmness in hard periods, Christine’s coldness (maybe I am just the same with her on the point), Izzie’s kindness, Goerge’s universal love and so on. 所谓的情负载着很现实的东西,个人本身都没有稳定,如何让别人中意你?
- Mohism is best known for the concept of "impartial care" or "universal love" . Mozi's philosophy was described in the book Mozi, compiled by his students from his lecture notes. 带你认识古今中外的各种名人,让爱旅游的你更加爱旅游,不爱旅游的你从此爱上旅游。
- She counterfeited alarm when he confessed his love. 当他向她示爱时她假装惊讶的样子。
- Ma, currently 20, with the good and gradual family influence of lofty humanitarianism, always wears two badges alternatively, one “universal love”, another “the world belongs to all”. 现年20岁的马宇歌,在自身家庭崇高的人道主义良好家教熏陶下,从小轮流胸戴爸爸送给她的出生礼物“博爱”和“天下为公”这两枚寓意深刻的徽章。
- In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love. 玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征。
- He swore to love her for evermore. 他发誓永远爱她。
- Abstract: Striving for the truth, doing goodness, perfection, universal love and sacrosanctity are the highest level of humanistic spirit, principles and goals of practicing medicine. 文章摘要: 求真、行善、臻关、博爱、至圣是人文精神的最高境界,是医疗工作者行医活动的准则及目标。
- Equanimity, universal love compassion, soft heartedness, non hatred, non revengefulness and free thinking are all Buddhist principles that are essential factors of a developed society. 修学八正道能成就寂静、慈爱、柔软、无憎恨、无敌意与解脱心,这些是佛教的总纲,也是一个成熟社会必须具备的要素。