- Energy absorbed per unit mass of the material. 单位质量物质吸收的电离辐射能量。
- Direct yarn number is the mass per unit length of yarn; indirect yarn number is the length per unit mass of yarn. 定长制纱线细度是以纱线单位长度的重量表示的;定重制纱线细度是以纱线单位重量的长度表示的。
- Absorbed dose is a physical quantity to measure the radiation energy absorbed by unit mass of substances. 吸收剂量是用来量度电离辐射与物质相互作用时,单位质量物质吸收辐射能量多少的一个物理量。
- If the weight at each receiver is set to unit mass, the canter of gravity of an array is the actual array center. 提出了关于组合中心确定的重心原则,即把单个检波器的权值视为单位质量,由此确定其组合图形的重心应为实际的组合中心。
- For coal reburning process, the NO reduced by unit mass of coal is defined as specific NO reduction quantity. 对于煤粉再燃过程,定义单位质量再燃煤粉还原NO量为比脱硝量。
- In addition, more nitrogen absorbed by the unit mass small particles to a certain degree weakens the first flush of TN. 此外,单位质量的小颗粒含有更多氮也在一定程度上削弱了TN的初期冲刷效应。
- The explosive potential (energy content per unit mass) of hydrogen is about twice that of the methane in natural gas. 氢的爆炸潜能(每单位质量含有的能量),大约是天然气中甲烷的两倍。
- The specific heat of a material is the amount of heat that must be added to a unit mass of the material to raise its temperature by 1 degree. 物质的比热容是使单位质量的物质温度升高1度所须加给的热量。
- Heat absorbed by a unit mass of a material at its boiling point in order to convert the material into a gas at the same temperature. 在沸点时一单位质量的物质为在同一温度下变成气体所吸收的热。
- Heat absorbed by a unit mass of a solid at its melting point in order to convert the solid into a liquid at the same temperature. 在熔点时一单位质量的固体为使其在同一温度下变成液体所吸收的热。
- Although the carbonation conversion of CMA is superior to that of CA, the CO2 capture capacity of calcined CA per unit mass is higher than that of calcined CMA. 虽然醋酸钙镁的碳酸化转化率高于醋酸钙,但单位质量煅烧后的醋酸钙的CO2吸收量大于醋酸钙镁。
- But a more compact film with higher loading and larger size of TiO2 but lower specific photocatalytic efficiency (ethylene conversion over unit mass TiO2 and unit area of TiO2 film) was obtained by EPD compared with dip coating method. 但由于电泳膜有较高的TiO2沉积量、且结构致密、TiO2的粒径较大,其比活性(单位面积上单位质量TiO2的光催化活性)却比提拉膜的低。
- It has been proved by computation and experimental verification that the mixture of R290,R152a, R600a having larger unit mass refrigerating capacity and unit mass output work is an ideal working medium for the reverse Brayton cycle. 计算及实验验证表明由R2 90、R1 5 2a、R6 0 0a组成的混合物具有较大的单位质量制冷量和单位质量输出功 ,是逆向布莱顿循环较理想的制冷工质。
- A metric unit of mass equal to 100 grams. 百克公制质量单位,等于100克。
- The luminous intensity on unit area. 单位面积上的发光强度。
- The family is the smallest social unit. 家庭是社会最小的单位。
- Pressure is force per unit area. 压力就是电单位面积上的力。
- A set of data elements which are handled as a unit. 作为一个单元来处理的一组数据元素。
- The family is the basic unit of society. 家庭是社会的基本单位。
- A metric unit of area equal to 10 ares. 十公亩面积的公制单位之一,等于十公亩。