- In-bottle landscape painting is Master Wang's unique skill. 内画山水是王师傅的绝活。
- He has a unique skill of writing with a Chinese brush in both hands. 用左右手同时写毛笔书法,可是他的绝门儿!
- Take a look at the Japan woman falling to winning unique skill skein! 首页>>图片猎奇>>看看日本女子摔绞致胜绝招!
- He has unique skills in catching poisonous snakes. 他捉毒蛇有绝招。
- Each individual involved brings a unique skill set, and a deep personal passion, to the project. 每一个参与的成员都为这个项目施展出独特的技能并付出了极大的热诚。
- The former stresses appearance and amusement, while the latter emphasizes individual unique skill. 文跷重扮象与扭逗,武跷则强调个人技巧与绝招
- Has not obtained the treasure and the unique skill is only left over myna princess and peacock prince. 没有得到宝物和绝技的只剩下八哥公主和孔雀王子了。
- Magic arts atractylodes chinensis, Wugong unique skill, unprecedented bright now. 道法仙术,武功绝技,旷古烁今。
- The stars put out the hometown the unique skill to express uncommonly with the dance form to the hometown, to family member's deep affection. 明星们不凡拿出家乡的绝活用歌舞的形式表达着对家乡、对亲人的深厚感情。
- He has a unique skill of making hand-pulled noodles. The noodles can be pulled to a length of ten meters and still don't break. 他练就了拉面的绝艺,能把面拉到数十米长,而面不断。
- Hand-picked for his unique skill, Salomon and a group of professionals are forced to produce fake foreign currency under the program Operation Berhard. 和其他伪钞制造者一样,沙里的特殊技能令他在屠杀中幸免于难,且能享用较舒适的囚徒生活。
- So, know that throughout the world, many employers are recognizing your contributions, dedication, and unique skill set. Hats off to all administrative professionals! 现在知道世界上许多的雇主看到你的贡献,付出和独特的技术体系。向所有职业行政人员致敬!
- The Laith face is cloudy and obviously worries these two perfect evolution bodies to put forth the unique skill to give enormous destruction to the entire illusion world. 莱斯脸色阴沉,显然他担心这个二人完美进化体,使出绝技来,会给整个梦幻世界造成极大的破坏。
- Feierbin and Lipa are two famous persons, do not know how many people "do" in their wrath, but Yao Ming has a unique skill Asians, two roosters top back. 费尔宾和丽帕是两位着名的主持人,不知多少名人“倒”在了他们的铁嘴下,但姚明却用东方人特有的机敏,将两位铁嘴顶了回去。
- Serve as abecedarian to should understand, learning SEO is not knight-errant novel in learn military accomplishment, also do not have what unique skill. 作为初学者应该明白,学习SEO不是武侠小说里的学武功,也没有什么绝招。
- The eagle is the fowl that lives on the high mountain, nature feral, action is quick, want nab is domestic it, that must have one to cover " unique skill " . 哈萨克民族主要生活在哈萨克斯坦和新疆天山北麓一带,在新疆主要集中于伊犁、塔城、阿勒泰地区。
- To solve the above problem, a number of journalists specially consult secondary experts to enable them to the current lease to the "rental communities" along several season rent "smart unique skill. 针对以上问题,记者特意请教了一些二手行家,让他们向目前急于租房的“租房族”指点几条旺季租屋的“醒目绝招”。
- He has outdone all his rivals in skill. 他在技巧方面胜过所有的对手。
- The group of young people performing martial arts on the overpass all have unique skills. 天桥上打把势的几个年轻人都身怀绝技。
- Portraits and calligraphy on the inner surface of snuff bottles were two of his unique skills. 人物肖像和内书技艺,是马少宣先生的两项“绝活儿”。