- unilaminar blastocyst 单层囊胚泡
- M+B:morula and blastocyst stages. 桑椹期和囊胚期。
- The removal of a single cell from a blastocyst is not a new idea. 从胚泡取出单一细胞不是一个新的想法。
- The zygote, by cell division, grows into a morula an then into a blastocyst. 通过细胞分裂,受精卵发育成桑葚胚,然后发育成囊胚。
- The blastocyst can then be transplanted into a female mouse to develop to term. 胚泡又被移植入母鼠体内生长。
- But the blastocyst from which it came can continue to develop into an embryo and then a foetus. 但它是从胚泡移走细胞能继续发展成为一个胚胎,胎。
- The researchers used fast neutrons to irradiate mouse embryos between the blastocyst stage and the beginning of somite formation. 研究人员用快中子照射在胚泡期和体节形成开始之间的小鼠胚胎。
- The blastocyst is then surgically introduced into the uterus of a foster mother. 然后通过手术把胚囊引进寄养母体的子宫内。
- The outermost layer of cells of the blastocyst that attaches the fertilized ovum to the uterine wall and serves as a nutritive pathway for the embryo. 胚胎滋养层囊胚细胞的最外层,它会将受精卵与子宫壁连在一起,同时它是胚胎获取营养的通道
- Her book points out that giving individual rights to a blastocyst is problematic. 她的书中指出给一个胚泡一人权是值得怀疑的。
- Shortly after implantation the blastocyst wall, the trophoblast, consists of two layers of cells. 植入之后不久,胚囊的壁,即滋养细胞含有两层细胞。
- The blastocyst rate(9.1%) nuclear transfer embryos in media SOF adding 10% bFF was higher that(4.2% )10% FBS. 结果表明:用CR1aa液培养时;添加10%25bFF;其囊胚率(9.;1%25)高于添加10%25FBS(4
- Human fibrin gel was found with no influence on the culture of mouse blastocyst . 通过实验表明人纤维蛋白凝胶对培养小鼠囊胚的孵出率、扩展率均无影响。
- In addition, the addition of 20% bFF in maturation medium inhibited the hatching of blastocyst. 添加20%25卵泡液的培养液对囊胚的孵化有抑制作用。
- In some cases the embryo cannot re-establish the junctions and the blastocyst is unable to re-expand and thus dies. 在某些情况下胚胎不能重新建立连接,这样囊胚就不能重新扩张,从而导致囊胚死亡。
- The results indicate that proteins derived from the isolated GMG cells may promote the implantation of blastocyst. 提示:GMG细胞中的活性蛋白对胚泡着床可能有一定促进作用。
- Results: The blastocyst formation rate and hatching rate cultured in hydrosalpinx fluid were decreased more ... 结论输卵管积水能显著影响胚胎的早期发育潜能。
- The same is true if the uterine lining is not prepared to receive the blastocyst. 如果子宫内膜未为接受胚泡做好准备,结果也是如此。
- The technology uses a single cell taken from an eight-cell embryo known as a blastocyst. 该技术利用称为胚泡的8细胞胚胎取出的单一细胞。
- There is random inactivation of one X chromosome in all cells of the female embryo at the blastocyst stage. 在胚泡期,女性的胚胎所有的细胞中,任意一条x染色体将失活。