- He looks very manly in his uniform. 他穿着制服十分精神。
- That morning they all had on their army uniform. 那天早上他们都穿上了军服。
- They meet with great regularity. 他们定期会面。
- That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain. 绞尽脑汁的数学测验,我真是绞尽了脑汁。
- A major has a crown on the shoulder of his uniform. 一名少校在制服的肩部有个王冠形的纹章。
- The general's uniform was trimmed with gold braid. 将官的制服饰有金色的穗带。
- I must insist on more regular hours. 我必须强调起居定时。
- Everyone should wear clothes uniform with these. 大家都该穿着兴这些相同的衣服。
- Jack looks well in naval uniform. 杰克穿海军制服很漂亮。
- The rows of houses were uniform in appearance. 这一排排的房屋外表都是一样的。
- The rebels made regular attacks on the railways. 叛军不时地袭击铁路。
- Soldiers wear a distinctive uniform. 士兵们穿着特制的制服。
- He comes back to see us at regular intervals. 他每隔一段时间就回来看看我们。
- He is easily distinguished by his uniform. 凭他的那身制服,人们很容易认出他。
- The computer gave a regular bleep. 计算机发出有一定节律的哔哔声。
- The laboratory is kept at a uniform temperature. 实验室保持恒温。
- I am a regular reader of this newspaper. 我是这份报纸的长期读者。
- All these jackets have a uniform size. 所有这些夹克尺寸相同。
- He works hard and keeps regular hours. 他工作努力,生活很有规律。
- The staff at this hotel wear uniform clothing. 这家饭店的员工穿统一的制服。