- Me! a poor, helpless, forlorn widow, unfit for anything, my spirits quite broke down, what could I do with a girl at her time of life, a girl of fifteen! 我!一个孤苦伶仃的穷寡妇,什么事情都干不了,万念俱灰,叫我对这样年龄的一个姑娘,一个十五岁的姑娘怎么办呢?
- She is unfit for such a senior position. 她不胜任这种高级职务。
- She was unfit for such a senior position. 她不能胜任这样的高级职位。
- The water is unfit for drinking. 这水不宜饮用。
- Those jobs are unfit for the color-blind. 那些工作色盲的人不宜做。
- This meat is unfit for human consumption. 这种肉人不宜食用。
- Be prepared for anything to happen. 准备好对付任何可能发生的事件。
- These goods are entirely unfit for sale. 这些货物完全不宜销售。
- I would not change with her for anything. 我说什么也不愿过她那样的生活。
- His stammer rendered him unfit for a teaching job. 他的口吃毛病使他不宜担任教职。
- If you want for anything, let me know. 如果需要什么,请告诉我。
- This house is unfit for human habitation. 这所房子不适合人居住。
- The troops were ready for anything. 部队已做好了一切准备。
- The meat was condemned as unfit for human consumption. 这种肉已宣布不适宜人们食用。
- I wouldn't accept it for anything. 无论如何我不会接受的。
- She was prepared for anything to happen. 她已准备好应付一切。
- Don't be dependent on anyone for anything. 什么事都不要依赖别人。
- My parents have never come upon us for anything. 我的父母从来没向我们要求过任何东西。
- He would not go with us for anything. 他说什么也不肯同我们一起去。
- Don't trust that man. He just goes all out for anything he can get. 别相信那人。他只不过是想尽法子去谋得他所需要的一切而已。