- An unexcused absence, as from school or a class. 旷课,逃避未经允许的缺席,如逃学或旷课
- The principal discouraged unexcused absences. 校长不准无故缺课。
- More than one unexcused absence will obviously jeopardize your class participation grade. 未经允许旷课超过一次,会明显影响你的课堂参与分。
- Only 5 unexcused absences are permitted. 只允许5次未请假的缺席。
- Regular attendance means no more than one unexcused absence from lecture or one unexcused absence from recitation section. 定期参与的定义为演讲及实习课均不得有超过1节以上的无理由缺席。
- Each unexcused absence will result in a lowering of the Class Participation component of the grade by 5 points, each lateness by 3 points. 每一次无故缺席将会导致评分中课堂参与部分的分数被扣除5分,每次迟到扣除3分。
- Three unexcused absences will result in failure to pass the class. 无故缺席三次(含)以上者,成绩不予通过。
- With five unexcused absences you will be withdrawn from the class. 无理由地缺席五次,你将被这门课除名。
- If you have more than two unexcused absences, it may affect your final grade. 如果你有两次以上毫无理由的缺席,将会影响你的期末成绩。
- If you have more than two unexcused absences, it will affect your final grade. 如果有两次无故缺席,将会影响你们期末的成绩。
- an unexcused absence,as from school or a class 未经允许的缺席,如逃学或旷课
- Under Writing Program policy, you cannot pass the course if you have more than five unexcused absences. 在写作专题的政策之下,如果你有超过五次的无故缺席,将无法通过这门课程。
- More than two unexcused absences will seriously jeopardize your class participation grade. 超过两次无故缺课将严重危及你的课堂参与评分。
- Students with more than four unexcused absences shall be dropped from the class. 超过四次无故缺席,该生就必须退选这门课。
- Unexcused absences and lack of preparation will be counted heavily against your grade. 未经允许的缺席以及缺乏准备,对您的成绩将有严重的影响。
- More than 4 unexcused absences will significantly affect your final grade in the course. 若毫无理由缺席超过四堂的话,本课程期末成绩将大受影响。
- Under Writing Program guidelines, you cannot pass the course if you have more then five unexcused absences . 根据写作项目指引,如果你有五次以上毫无理由的缺席,你就无法通过这课程。
- Daily preparation and attendance is mandatory, more than three unexcused absences lowers participation grade automatically. 日常的预习和出席是必须的,三次以上无故缺课,将自动扣除课堂参与的分数。
- More than 4 unexcused absences will affect significantly your final grade in the course.Regular late arrivals will also affect your final grade. 超过四次未经同意的缺席和经常性的迟到,都会大幅影响你的期末成绩。