- unevenly divided scale 不均匀标度
- Their time was unevenly divided between play and study. 他们的时间不均匀地分于游戏兴读书方面。
- Polyploidy cells may then arise after endoreduplication of these unevenly divided chromosomes. 这些带有不正常染色体的细胞进行再复制后,即会造成多套体。
- My hair has been badly cut and the ends are uneven. 我的头发剪得很糟,发端参差不齐。
- The investigator will be divided into three groups. 所有的调查员将被分为三个小组。
- Liberals sweep to victory in divided Canada. 加国选举,自由党大获全胜。
- The ground was muddy and uneven, but we toiled on. 地面泥泞不平,我们仍吃力地向前走。
- It was an uneven but inspired performance. 演出时好时坏但却富于灵感。
- The next year the work went ahead on a large scale. 第二年这项工作就大规模进行了。
- The project as being undertaken on a small scale. 这个工程在小规模地进行着。
- A city divided against itself can't stand. 一个内部分裂的城市不能长久存在。
- He divided his time evenly between work and play. 他把时间一半花在工作上,一半用于娱乐。
- This district grew cotton on a large scale. 这个地区过去大量种棉花。
- She divided the food into four equal shares. 她把食物分成相同的四份。
- Scale the fish before cooking them. 烧鱼之前先去掉鱼鳞。
- Opinion is divided on the issue of taxes. 关於税捐问题,大家意见分歧。
- The class is divided in opinion. 整个班级意见有分歧。
- Her work was divided between tutoring and research. 她兼做导师工作和研究工作。
- The statue was made to scale, one inch to a foot. 这座塑像是按比例做的,大小是真人的十二份之一。
- The car bumped on the uneven surface of the gravel road. 汽车在高低不平的砾石路面上颠簸着。