- Carlton said, totidemverbis, that he was unequal to the task. 卡尔说他不能胜任那份工作,他就是如此说的。
- Carlton said,totidemverbis,that he was unequal to the task. 卡尔说他不能胜任那份工作,他就是如此说的。
- He said,totidem verbis,that he was unequal to the task. 他说他不能胜任该工作,他就是如此说的。
- She suddenly felt unequal to the task she had set herself. 她突然觉得难以完成自己定下的任务。
- He said, totidem verbis, that he was unequal to the task. 他说他不能胜任该工作,他就是如此说的。
- He proved to be unequal to the job. 他不能胜任那个工作。
- She felt unequal to the task. 她觉得不能胜任这项工作。
- I feel unequal to the task. 我觉得难以胜任这项工作。
- If Allen Iverson proved unequal to the task of putting oomph into the offense, can Ben Gordon do the job? 底特律活塞:如果阿伦-艾佛森已经证明在进攻中投入过多活力的不公平性,本-戈登能做到吗?
- The task was finished to the nail. 这项任务已彻底完成了。
- His abilities are incommensurate to the task. 他的能力和他担负的任务不相称。
- The new manager is not equal to the task, as it were. 新经理对这项工作可以说是不能胜任的。
- Keith felt unequal to the effort. 基思觉得辜负了这番努力。
- Bill saw before him a fat pigeon to pluck, and he proceeded gaily to the task. 比尔看到在他面前有个傻里傻气的人大有钱财可骗,于是就得意地动起手来。
- He is unequal to dealing with the problem. 他没有能力处理该问题。
- He consigned the task to the new comer. 他把这项任务交给了新来的人。
- He directed all his energies to the task. 他把全部精力都用于这项任务上。
- He committed himself to the task body and soul. 他全身心地投入工作。
- I devote myself heart and soul to the task. 我全心全意地致力于这任务。
- He'll stick to the task like old boots. 他一定会劲头十足地坚持做完这项工作。