- unenviable notoriety. 不值得羡慕的恶名声。
- A mark of disgrace or notoriety; a stigma. 耻辱的标记表示耻辱和丑恶声名的标记; 耻辱
- But its notoriety has made it a target. 但它的恶名也使其成为众矢之的。
- His crimes earned him considerable notoriety. 他因犯罪而声名狼藉.
- That brand is gaining notoriety for other reasons. 这个品牌还因为其它的原因而声名日隆。
- He gained a certain notoriety as a gambler. 他落了个赌徒的恶名。
- Notoriety is usually good box office. 臭名昭著通常很好卖座
- He has an unenviable record of ill-health. 他一直身体不好,这可不值得羡慕。
- Her 1999 Oscar brought further notoriety to Jolie. 朱丽的1999奥斯卡年继续令她声名狼藉。
- Do not mistake notoriety for distinction. 不要把臭名错当荣誉.
- His notoriety didn't come until his death. 他的恶名是他死后才传开的。
- Notoriety is often mistaken for a fame. 恶名昭彰往往被误认为是好名声。
- It's a management team with an unenviable task. 资讯科技是有一件不值得羡慕的工作经营团队。
- Unenviable position not only the delicious food! 惨了,口福不但没有了!
- Whoever wins will inherit an unenviable legacy. 那么谁将接受这个烂摊子呢?
- Notoriety is often mistaken for fame. 臭名昭著,却往往被误解为美名远扬。
- A mark of disgrace or notoriety;a stigma. 耻辱的标记表示耻辱和丑恶声名的标记;耻辱
- A crime or scandal brings much notoriety to those involved in it. 罪行或丑闻常使有牵连的人声名狼藉。
- In recent years, computer viruses have gained wide notoriety. 近年来,计算机病毒已是臭名远扬。
- It has gained widespread notoriety in New Age circles. 这在新世纪圈子中都已广泛流传。