- undeveloped western area 西部欠发达地区
- They have also made policy to lead the students to work in undeveloped western regions of the country. 他们还制定政策引导毕业生去西部不发达地区工作。
- Where is the westen indian archipelago? In the western area of Atlantic. 西印度群岛位于:大西洋西部。
- Wilson,R.E.Timing within the Western Area Power Administration PTTI 1986:467. 王声琪等.;电网的时钟统一系统
- He aimed to exploit the whole western area by bonding the railway and by emigrating into the west. 同时,应修筑铁路,发展经济,促进边疆地区的稳定与发展。
- The topography,geomorphy and climate in western area in our country are complex and multivariate. 建造是影响建筑设计的重要因素,同时它受到地区经济、技术、传统等方面的影响。
- The western area of Dongting lake is one of the main marketable grain base in our country, and an important marketable base for pork, reed hemp and the freshwater aquiculture. 摘要东洞庭湖区是国内主要商品粮基地之一,也是国内重要的牲猪、芦苇、苎麻商品基地和举足轻重的淡水品养殖基地。
- The Primary Research on Traditional Dwelling Houses and Settlements in the Western Area of HoneHe Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province. 云南红河西部地区传统住屋和聚落研究初探。
- In the implementation of the western development strategy, the private economy can play a great part in developing western area. 在我国实施的西部大开发战略中,民营经济可以大有作为,成为开发西部、振兴西部的主力军。
- Abundant supply, under-development and inadequate utilization and therefore, a huge potential for further development characterize the land and resources in the western area. 西部地区国土资源总的特点是:总量丰富,开发利用程度不高,进一步开发利用潜力较大。
- With the economic development in China, the gap of the regional economic between Eastern area and Western area is becoming more broadening. 区域经济理论与实践证明,金融对促进区域经济协调发展具有重要作用,特别是对像中国这样的发展中国家更为关键。
- Morgan passes the headquarters to be located in New York greatly, “the cake” covets already the long time to western area's retail sales bank. 摩根大通总部设在纽约,对西部地区的零售银行“蛋糕”觊觎已久。
- The western area of the Shinsaibashi is nicknamed as the American Village, and its symbol is the walls painted with unique illustrations. 心斋桥的西侧部分称为美国村,一座用油漆随便画了许多富有个性的图案的墙壁,成了这里的象征。
- The western area is likely to become a major mulberry silk production base due to its vast land resources and unique phenological conditions. 西部地区由于丰富的土地资源和独特的物候条件,有可能成为我国一个主要的蚕丝生产基地。
- Flora Analysis of Wild Woody Scantentes in the North western Areas of Fujian. 福建西北部野生木本攀援植物区系分析
- The island is still undeveloped. 这座岛屿未得到充分开发。
- It has an better gas supply condition from Shahezi Member Yingcheng Member source to Fuyang Reservoir than the western area. 大庆长垣以东地区扶杨油层油溶损失气量小于大庆长垣以西地区。
- The ecologic problems in western area are very serious, forming the PPE cycle together with poverty and overgrowth of population. 我国西部地区生态问题突出地表现为水土流失、荒漠化、草地退化和土壤盐渍化,这些问题与人口、贫困一起构成了PPE循环。
- This is a block of undeveloped land. 这是块未开发的土地。
- The western area of Dongting lake is one of the main marketable grain base in our country,and an important marketable base for pork,reed hemp and the freshwater aquiculture. 东洞庭湖区是国内主要商品粮基地之一,也是国内重要的牲猪、芦苇、苎麻商品基地和举足轻重的淡水品养殖基地。