- Our troop advanced wave upon wave undeterred by the hail of fire. 我们的部队冒着猛烈的炮火前仆后继地前进。
- They are also largely undeterred by disapproval. 他们基本上对别人的劝阻无动于衷。
- Going deep into the mountains, undeterred by the tigers there. 明知山有虎,偏向虎山行。
- But undeterred by Britton's revved up chainsaw, the lion pounced. 但是,在布里顿的电锯伤到狮子之前,狮子就猛扑了上来。
- However, I was again frustrated by failure. 然而我还是烦燥于失败。
- It is no good being shattered by failure. 在失败面前, 不能张皇失措。
- undeterred by failure 不因失败而气馁
- Some people are driven to suicide by failure in love. 有的人因爱情失败而自杀。
- He's been dogged by failure in the past year; now he is working strenuously to pull out. 过去一年中他连续遭到失败; 现在他在努力设法摆脱这种局面。
- She was undeterred by several people yelling and by a hunter shooting a rifle to scare her away. 尽管几个人大喊大叫,有一个猎人甚至还开枪想把它吓跑,可它都无动于衷。
- She was not elated by success nor disturbed by failure. 她不因成功感到兴高采烈也不因失败感到心慌意乱。
- Don't be discouraged by failure or get dizzy with success. 不要因失败而灰心,也不要因成功而骄傲。
- Romantics were undeterred by the small turnout and sought to preserve Paris's reputation. 虽然参加活动的人不是很多,但大家仍然激情不减,力保巴黎“浪漫之都”的美名。
- They do not preach learning and precepts, they preach, undeterred by particulars, the ancient law of life. 它们不宣讲学说,它们不注意细枝末节,只宣讲生命的原始法则。
- Romantics were undeterred by the small turnoutsought to preserve Paris's reputation. 虽然参加活动的人不是,但大家激情不减,力保巴黎“浪漫之都”的美名。
- Dozens sheltered under umbrellas and plastic ponchos, undeterred by torrential rain. 好几十名哈利波特迷撑著雨伞或穿上塑胶雨衣,倾盆大雨也毫不退缩。
- Undeterred by his straitened situation, Zhan hopes through his little contribution, he can help other needy people. 从每个月的补助金当中,固定捐出一部份,就算生活会因此更拮据,但是詹文滨希望藉著一点回馈,帮助其他需要帮助的人。
- Above all, they are undeterred by the uncertainty of a self-directed job search. 最重要的是,他们没有被自己找工作的不确定性吓倒。
- Blowing out the candles, Wang makes a wish. Undeterred by physical pain, she happily makes a donation to Da Ai TV. 吹熄蜡烛,王郦溪许下愿望,不畏自身病痛,她还立刻捐款成为大爱之友。
- Undeterred by the blistering heat,he and other members of my 16-person crew were closing in on beautifully preserved pieces of SuperCroc's skeleton. 顶着酷暑,大卫·布莱克本和我的16人小组中的其他一些成员一步一步耐心地将这具保存完好的至尊鳄鱼骨骼挖了出来。