- Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures Delicate as a flower petal, a marine flatworm glides along in the Pacific Ocean near Micronesia's Yap Islands. 意译:水下生物照片集。优美的像一朵花的花瓣,海上的扁形虫滑动沿着太平洋附近的密克罗尼西亚的雅浦群岛。
- Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures A Cape fur seal undulates in rhythm with fronds of kelp in the waters off Gansbaai, South Africa. 意译:水下生物照片集。一个海角的皮毛海豹有节奏的游动在叶状体的海带海域距离Gansbaai ,南非。
- Most underwater creatures had little to fear from man until 1873, when the first steam-powered whaling ships, armed with explosive harpoons, were launched. 在1873年配备有爆炸性鱼叉的蒸汽捕鲸船投入使用之前,大多数水下生物是不必害怕人类的。
- Discover how underwater creatures adapt to their dangerous environment and how they survive and even thrive in a place where most wildlife ends up in the belly of a predator. 本书将向你揭示这些海洋生物是如何适应水下危险的生存环境的,还有它们在捕食者的地盘上是如何生存下来并繁衍生息的。
- Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures Leviathan among sharks, a whale shark (Rhincodon typus) gains on its small prey in the Indian Ocean off the coast of western Australia. 意译:水下生物照片集。海中怪兽之间的鲨鱼,鲸鱼,鲸鲨鱼( rhincodon型 )收益来自小型猛禽在印度洋沿海海岸的澳大利亚西部。
- According to the locomotion method of imitating underwater creatures, bionic underwater robot can be classified into three classes: fish robot, walking underwater robot and worming underwater robot. 仿生水下机器人按照模仿水下生物的运动方式可分为:仿鱼水下机器人、仿多足爬行动物水下机器人和仿蠕虫水下机器人。
- Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures In a world of clouds and crystalline blue, a pair of stingrays glides just below the surface in the waters of French Polynesia's Tuamotu archipelago. 意译:水下生物照片集。在当前的世界上水晶似的蓝天白云,一对黄鲷鱼滑动仅低于海域的表面是法属波利尼西亚的土阿莫土群岛。
- Squirrels are arboreal creatures. 松鼠是栖於树上的动物。
- Worms are very simple creatures. 蠕虫是很简单的生物。
- Animals are irrational creatures. 野兽是没有理性的动物。
- Don't be cruel to animals. They are our fellow creatures. 不要虐待动物,它们是我们的伙伴。
- This machine has been specially adapted for use underwater. 这机器是为水下使用而特别改装的。
- The little girl thinks spiders are terrible creatures. 小女孩认为蜘蛛是一种可怕的生物。
- This machine has been specially adapted for underwater use. 这机器是为水下使用而特别改装的。
- These creatures were believed to have come from outer space. 据信这种生物来自外太空。
- These creatures live in the depth of the Pacific Ocean. 这些生物生活在太平洋的海底。
- Strange creatures live in the profound depths of the ocean. 大洋深处生活着奇异的生物。
- There is a hierarchy in the classification of all living creatures. 一切生物均可按等级分类。
- A ship equipped for laying explosive underwater mines. 布雷舰艇装备有布水雷装置的舰艇
- Some people think that snakes are loathsome creatures. 有些人觉得蛇是令人憎恶的动物。