- underwater acoustic rnaterial 水声材料
- Laboratory for Underwater Acoustic Measurement. 消声水池实验室。
- It is an oceanographic ship that gathers underwater acoustic data, using sonar. 这是一只海洋研究船,用于收集海底声音资料,供声纳兵使用。
- In 2000,American navy successfully sends E-mail through the link of the underwater acoustic channel. 在2000年,美国海军成功通过水声链路并接入Internet 网络发送E-mail,这具有重要的战略意义;
- In networked underwater acoustic warfare (NUAW), enemy s information are mainly from underwater acoustic network (UAN). 网络化水声对抗中,水声网络将是对抗双方信息的重要来源。
- The results provide directive information for equipment operation of underwater acoustic warfare in formation of ship. 研究结果可为水声对抗器材在舰艇编队条件下的作战使用提供科学依据。
- The model of a multibeam underwater acoustic detection system based on pseudo-noise sequence is presented. 并给出了数值仿真实现,分析了信噪比、多址干扰及发射波束数等对信道估计算法性能的影响。
- Target echo signals are the main information source in underwater acoustic detection system. 目标回波信号是水声探测系统主要的信息来源。
- Direct sequence code division multiple access( DS/ CDMA) as a technique for underwater acoustic networks is attracting attention from researchers. 直接序列码分多址(ds/DMA)一种受关注的水下声通信网多址接入方案。
- The method of counterwork effectiveness of the UACE has an important reference value for researching the UACE and the underwater acoustic countermeasure system. 该效果评估方法对水声对抗器材及水声对抗系统的研究有着重要的参考价值。
- Therefore, how to use passive SONAR to check signal and estimate the parameters of aim become a active theme in the underwater acoustic domain. 因此,如何利用被动声纳进行目标检测以及估计目标参数成为水声信号处理领域内非常活跃的一个课题。
- The acceleration responsivity is a significant parameter for a fiber-optic hydrophone used in underwater acoustic detection. 摘要对用于水声探测的光纤水听器,加速度相移灵敏度是一个重要的参数。
- Data collected at sea shows that the AOB is a versatile,robust and easy to use tool for a variety of broadband underwater acoustic applications. 在海洋中采集的数据显示AOB是一种通用的、坚固耐用的和易于操作的装置,可用于各种宽带水下声学应用。
- In weak signals detection of underwater acoustic domain, we can get high anti-Doppler performance using the Fractional fourier transform algorithm. ? 在水声信号处理领域;分数阶Fourier变换的良好的抗多卜勒性能有利于微弱信号检测.
- The effectiveness of this new method is verified via the computer simulation of time-varying underwater acoustic multipath channel estimation. 对时变多径水声信道估计的计算机仿真实验证明了该方法的有效性。
- An underwater acoustic imaging sonar with high-resolution is designed to fulfill the dyke safety detection tasks and ocean exploitation tasks. 针对堤坝安全探测及海洋开发等水下探测任务,设计并实现了一种具有较高分辨率的水下成像声纳系统。
- Data collected at sea shows that the AOB is a versatile, robust and easy to use tool for a variety of broadband underwater acoustic applications. 在海洋中采集的数据显示AOB是一种通用的、坚固耐用的和易于操作的装置,可用于各种宽带水下声学应用。
- Potential applications of UAN in underwater acoustic warfare (UAW) are analyzed, and development of UAW under support of UAN is prospected. 为促进水声网络在我国的深入研究,从水声对抗的角度出发,分析其潜在的重要作用,给出结合水声网络功能的水声对抗的发展方向和思路。
- D.E.Ryerson, “A High Data Rate Underwater Acoustic Telemetry System” , Int Forum on Ocean Eng.,Vol. 12,pp. 259-262, 1980. 谢铭信,“实海域之水下声响通讯技术之探讨”,国立成功大学系统及船舶机电工程所硕士论文,2004年。
- From the view of underwater acoustic warfare(UAW),counterworking with adverse underwater acoustic network(UAN)is an important content. 从水声对抗的角度看,与敌水声网络的对抗将成为其中一项重要内容。