- Some will say that bankruptcy will undermine confidence in America's cars. 一些人会说,破产将挫伤消费者对美国汽车的信心。
- Jerking the ship around will make everyone feel sick, put strain on the ship and undermine confidence in the captain. 猛烈的操纵船舶将让每个人都感到恶心、损坏船舶并破坏对船长的信任。
- The former reformist president // Mohammad Khatami // says it will further undermine confidence // in the country's religious leaders. 我的翻译,结合中文新闻:前总统哈塔米声称这将会逐渐削弱人民对国家领导人的信心度。
- Revelations of problems at leading brokerages could further undermine confidence in China's stock markets, which have attracted billions of dollars in foreign investment. 主要券商暴出的问题可能会进一步削弱中国股市的信心。目前中国股市已吸引了数十亿美元的外国投资。
- It would be difficult to argue, for example, that the use of unscrupulous debt collection agencies by credit card issuers that are not banks would undermine confidence in the currency. 例如,即使非银行信用卡发行人聘用手法不良的追收欠款公司,但我们仍很难断言这样一定会损害公众对港元的信心。
- But the outgoing president undermined confidence that he was on top of his brief by referring to Citigroup as Citicorp, the name it has not used for a decade. 但是这个即将卸任的总统对此没有多大的信心,因为他对那份声明稿都不甚熟悉,将花旗集团(Citigroup)说成了花旗公司(Citicorp),这个名字已经十年不用了。
- Thanks for your vote of confidence. 谢谢你对我的支持。
- They are trying to undermine my position. 他们在试图损伤我的地位。
- The team breathed confidence before the match. 该队在比赛前显得很有信心。
- He possesses the quality of inspiring confidence. 他有本事能让别人信任他。
- I have every confidence in our success. 我对我们的胜利充满信心。
- The publication of this boost my confidence. 这本书的出版增强了我的信心。
- The servant enjoyed his master's confidence. 这仆人深得主人的信赖。
- I have the most perfect confidence in your indiscretion. 我对你的轻率鲁莽具有全副信心。
- Barbara's boss wavered in his confidence in her. 芭芭拉的上司对她的信心发生动摇了。
- I'm telling you this in strict confidence. 这件事我只告诉你。
- I am telling you this in strict confidence. 我告诉你的这件事是因绝对相信你会保守秘密的
- The coach's confidence reassured the whole team. 教练的信念使全体队员又有了信心。
- His encouraging remarks inspired confidence in me. 他的一番鼓励激起了我的信心。
- He was a pigeon, a victim of a confidence game. 他上当受骗了。