- The measure of the change in an option's premium for a1% change in the volatility of the underlying futures contract. 期权金变化的衡量方法,指原生期货合同波幅的1%25的变化。
- The process of an option holder exchanging it for the underlying futures contract. 期权合同的持有人购进或出售一笔原生期货合同的过程。
- Corresponds to the expiration date of a contract. The last day on which an option may be exercised into the underlying futures contract. 合约的有效期限。期权在原生期货合约执行的最后交易日。
- Options for months for which there are no futures contracts. The underlying futures contract for a serial option month would be the next nearby futures contract. 为没有期货合同的月份而准备的期权。这种分期期权的原生期货合同是接下来的近期期货合同。
- A futures contract on HSBC stock has the HSBC shares as the underlying commodity. 在香港期货交易所里买卖的“汇丰银行股票期货”买卖的是汇丰银行的股票。这些期货买卖的标的物都很明确、很具体。
- An option with a strike price equal to the underlying futures price. 一个期权的执行价等于其原生期货的价格。
- Cash Commodity The term used to refer to the actual or physical commodity underlying a futures contract. 指期货合约内包含的实际或实物商品。
- A common way of doing that is a futures contract. 一种常见的做法就是未来合同。
- What Is A Stock Index Futures Contract? 股价指数期货买卖什么?
- INSETS: What is a futures contract? 嵌入:期货收缩什么?
- A strategy where a trader tries to profit from pricing discrepancies between an index futures contract and the underlying index. 指从指数期货合约与基础指数的价格失衡中交易而获利的交易策略。
- Delivery Instrument A document that stands in lieu of the physical underlying during the delivery of the futures contract. 交割文件在交割期货合约时代替实质商品的文件。
- Derivative A security, such as an option or futures contract, whose value depends on the performance of an underlying security. 衍生工具价值取决于相关证券表现的证券,例如期权或期货合约等。
- The right, but not the obligation, to sell or buy the underlying (in this case, a futures contract) at a specified price within a specified time. 在一特定时间内以特定价格买入或卖出标的物的权利而非义务(目前情况标的物指期货合同)
- A strategy where a trader tries to profit from pricing discrepancies between an index futures contract and the underlying index . 指从指数期货合约与基础指数的价格失衡中交易而获利的交易策略。
- Generally speaking, futures contract, not the commodity, is sold and bought in the futures market. 一般来说,在期货市场上买进卖出的是期货契约,而不是商品。
- Unlike options, a futures contract does not offer limited losses. 和期权不同的是,期货合同的亏损不是有限的。
- The risk that movements in the price of a futures contract do not correlate exactly with movements in the price of the underlying financial instrument or commodity. 在期货交易中,基准风险指的是因为期货合约的价格变动与合约的基础金融工具或商品的价格变动不能保持完全一致而带来的风险。
- Unlike options,a futures contract does not offer limited losses. 和期权不同的是,期货合同的亏损不是有限的。
- However,a more efficient way is to buy a gold futures contract. 不过,一个更有效率的方式是吸购黄金期货合同。